All in a day's work !!!

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:rofl: :rofl:

OMG !!! This is insane !!!

Hilarious stuff there !!

And yeah, of offence to Christians.
WTF? I thought I was ridiculous sometimes, but this just sets all records straight. I have no offence against Christians or anything but dude, If you actually think anything like this, you are not welcome to use my comp :P lol.....

kidding no offence. everyone is free to think whatever they want... just dont fart in the sand, willya?

Long since I saw a good one on AIDW :rofl:

The ending was a bit of an anti-climax though...

I was hoping you'd trip on him after all that BS! :@

Edit: Just saw he's waiting for an answer....

Man, you have a golden goose waiting for you today...Good friend my a$$, good friends don't go around proselytizing!

Play along for a while, and take him for a royal ride...the possibilities are endless, I just wish the Lord had given me the opportunity he has given you:ohyeah:

....Your convo with him today has all the potential to become a super-hit AIDW, or even a super-hit Digg!make the most of it!
^^ tis ijjuts like these that give us christians a bad name:no:

plus it seems he's just rattling off something someone else told him :lol:
superczar said:

Long since I saw a good one on AIDW :rofl:

The ending was a bit of an anti-climax though...
I was hoping you'd trip on him after all that BS! :@

Edit: Just saw he's waiting for an answer....
Man, you have a golden goose waiting for you today...Good friend my a$$, good friends don't go around proselytizing!
Play along for a while, and take him for a royal ride...the possibilities are endless, I just wish the Lord had given me the opportunity he has given you:ohyeah:
....Your convo with him today has all the potential to become a super-hit AIDW, or even a super-hit Digg!make the most of it!

You should have seen the other crazy convo I had with 2 indians while playing in the same server...All I can say it wasn't as funny as this..but it'll give you a reason why some ppl think indians are dumb..I had taken 4 screenies of this convo but I deleted it.

Like you said,take him for a wild ride..well,hmm seems tempting..

EDIT: Worry not even though I deleted the screenies..I had taken note of the convo in the notepad..will post them soon.
^^ tis ijjuts like these that give us christians a bad name

LOL, nobody can give a community a bad name...Idiot who generalize or extend the actions of one individual to an entire community are first rate bigots who are no better than the very person whose actions they are decrying!

It's like saying every Indian is an Idiot becoz Techboi is dumb :rofl:

Like you said,take him for a wild ride..well,hmm seems tempting..

YES YES YES>>>>Go ahead monkey. we 'll be waiting for the climax this time!
me: brb
him: Wat was brb??
him: Hey wat is this brb?
me: be right back
me: how many times do i have to tell u tht:P
him: i keep on 4geting
him: Wat is it?///
him: Wat is brb
me: him: Hey wat is this brb?
me: be right back :| !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!one
him: Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee
him: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyB
him: Hey wat is brb
him: WAT is brb
him: BRB
me: BE RIGHT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
him: TEll me htis and go
him: i hav no time
me: OMG:crazy:
me: B for BE , R for RIGHT , B for back!!!!!!
him: OOOOOh
him: i thought u were saying tat
him: u will be right back
me: :S
him: and say its answer
me: :crazeyes:
him:i really thought u were telling me to wait
me: huh:huh:
me: oh:rofl:
me: bye
me: me out:D
him: Byeeeeeeeee
him: eeeeyB
him: Byeeeeeeeeeee
him: eeeeeeeeBy
him: Byeeeeeeee
him: eeeeeeyB
me: :|

greenhorn said:
me: OMG:crazy:
me: B for BE , R for RIGHT , B for back!!!!!!
him: OOOOOh
him: i thought u were saying tat
him: u will be right back

:lmao: crazy stuff there
I haven't read much of the last 2 pages but I get the gist... one piece of advice, never ridicule someone "behind their back" - it belittles you, or at least I choose to look at it that way. Mocking friends is different, because they'll laugh it off with you but doing it to a friend (or online buddy) on a public forum without their consent or approval plain sucks IMO. I guarantee you that you'd lose a friend if they find out you posted it behind their back (even if you censored their name).

Also, try not to engage in religious or political discussions online/offline (unless it's with friends) because everyone will have their opinion and there's really no "right" or "wrong" answers.
RiO said:
I haven't read much of the last 2 pages but I get the gist... one piece of advice, never ridicule someone "behind their back" - it belittles you, or at least I choose to look at it that way. Mocking friends is different, because they'll laugh it off with you but doing it to a friend (or online buddy) on a public forum without their consent or approval plain sucks IMO. I guarantee you that you'd lose a friend if they find out you posted it behind their back (even if you censored their name).

Also, try not to engage in religious or political discussions online/offline (unless it's with friends) because everyone will have their opinion and there's really no "right" or "wrong" answers.

completely agree with Rio
RiO said:
I haven't read much of the last 2 pages but I get the gist... one piece of advice, never ridicule someone "behind their back" - it belittles you, or at least I choose to look at it that way. Mocking friends is different, because they'll laugh it off with you but doing it to a friend (or online buddy) on a public forum without their consent or approval plain sucks IMO. I guarantee you that you'd lose a friend if they find out you posted it behind their back (even if you censored their name).

Also, try not to engage in religious or political discussions online/offline (unless it's with friends) because everyone will have their opinion and there's really no "right" or "wrong" answers.

Hey, thats probably the reason I dont post much in this thread.... if at all I have posted here, that was after telling the friend that he is gonna be pooned in AIDW!

Lol.... this can be taken as one form of bike biting :)

AIDW is one of the main reasones i dont log on to IM's these days... Infact Karan knows almost everything about it :P
RiO said:
never ridicule someone "behind their back" - it belittles you,
well said mate! i completely agree! :)
When i started this thread it was more for pwning n00bs like sunnyboi :bleh: and my prime targets were only members of this forum.. hehe
Hope we cud get back to tht concept :hap2:
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