All newbie/starter entry level DSLR information

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apollyon said:
AF on Zeiss lens only on sony :P that in itself > any other factor.

btw am shifting to canon so this is not a sony promotion post!

Nah Brendon is able to AF on a lot of old Minolta lens, infact he had gone to a shop to check a Minolta lens, he tried it on his cam. But once the shopkeeper found the lens auto-focusing he jacked up the price!! :P
Aces170 said:
Nah Brendon is able to AF on a lot of old Minolta lens, infact he had gone to a shop to check a Minolta lens, he tried it on his cam. But once the shopkeeper found the lens auto-focusing he jacked up the price!! :P
thats what i said! along with minolta, sony cams also af with zeiss lenses.
@techhead, na not 7d, will post once its in my hands :P
^^ Oh k.

Appo: Dont tell me you are going full frame :) anything less is not worth the price in the Canon stable at the moment... 5D Mark II FTW
apollyon said:
AF on Zeiss lens only on sony :P that in itself > any other factor.
btw am shifting to canon so this is not a sony promotion post!
The ONLY super amazing Zeiss lens in the Sony line up is the 135mm f1.8 and that too its useful only on FF. The other Zeiss lenses - 85mm f1.4, 24-70mm, 16-35mm, 24mm f2 are great lenses but offer nothing more compared to the competition.

I like the new Pentax DSLRs and I would go with the Sony A33 only if I wanted a small camera.

The size is smaller than many m43 cameras !!! :P
BF1983 said:
T The other Zeiss lenses - 85mm f1.4, 24-70mm, 16-35mm, 24mm f2 are great lenses but offer nothing more compared to the competition.

Blasphemy!!! :P haven't you seen joe's shots with the 16-35? Better than the 16-35 2.8 L for sure!
sanjukoli said:
Nikon D3100 seems like a good camera. Is is worth to buy at the current price or wait for the prices to fall.
My Cousin bought a D3100 2 weeks ago. The LCD went Kaput within a week.

This might be a fault in an one off piece. I don't think it will be a generic problem with other pieces too. Guys have u heard such things from other D3100 owners ?
apollyon said:
Blasphemy!!! :P haven't you seen joe's shots with the 16-35? Better than the 16-35 2.8 L for sure!
Joe can take great pics from my BlackBerry 8330 2 MP fixed focus camera ! :P

Anyways the top UWA performer for FF is the Nikon 14-24mm f2.8. :D budget is 30k.

please suggest the best DSLR in that a beginner i dont think spending more than 30k makes sense now..
Re: The Photography Thread !

guys..planning to get a DSLR..

im more into a street and portraits..

getting a 500D with a 28-105mm f3.5-4.5 lens..

any other suggestions?

cant wait to post pics here..:)
Re: The Photography Thread !

^^ For portraits a 50mm prime is of utmost importance, in addition for street photography, I would prefer the wide angle of a 18-55 rather then a telezoom. Get a 550D the price difference between the two is not large...
i checked three store nearby my place..500D was for 33k and 550D was for 44k..

getting it from chandni chowk in delhi..will reduce the price by 2-2.5k..
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