In a way, Telegram is worse than WhatsApp as everything is cloud-hosted with end-to-end encryption disabled by default and with proprietary closed-source libraries. Basically no one can audit their privacy claims and it is much easier to hack and mine data due to the centralisation and lack of E2E encryption.Any ideas, what happens if some has a WhatsApp for Business Account (my sister uses same to sell homemade products to keep herself busy).
Why is Telegram not suggested ? @rajil.s
Does Telegram has an option like Whatsapp for business ?
To further add, telegram has raised 1B USD via the sale of `bonds` and is planning to add 'non-intrusive way of content creators to monetize their channels.Just a minor addition, while Telegram by default, will not have E2E encrytion, user will have to enable Secret chat to enable E2E encryption.
AFAIK, telegram does not have Whatsapp for business feature, but I am assuming their group feature can be modified to serve like Business.
The tech inertia is very real, people who get used to something learn to deal with it's quirks and refuse to moveIts tough to move one's elderly family members off WhatsApp. These days, the only reason i still use WA is for family groups. Nearly every other work/ friends groups have moved onto either Telegram or Signal.
The Delhi High Court on Thursday dismissed petitions filed by Facebook and WhatsApp against a Competition Commission of India order to investigate the messaging platform’s new privacy policy
However, both WhatsApp and Facebook in their petition argued that a case about the new privacy policy was already being heard by the Supreme Court and the High Court. And so, they said, the Competition Commission of India need not order an investigation.
As far as marketing goes, that is brilliant tbh.![]()
The Instagram ads Facebook won't show you
Companies like Facebook aren’t building technology for you, they’re building technology for your data. They collect everything they can from FB, Instagram, and WhatsApp in order to sell visibility into people and their lives. This isn’t exactly a secret, but the full picture is hazy to most –
Interesting stunt by Signal. Most people are unaware about what FB knows about you, so this was a good way to catch people's attention and FB of course banned Signal's ad account.
FB wants to collect as much data about you as it can, share as much of it with advertisers as they can based on the money they are getting for it, but they don't want you to know how much they know about you.
Yeah, as it stands an app cannot provide different experiences for different users, so would be cool to see WhatsApp being suspended on the App Store if they go ahead with the changes of limiting access to those who don't accept the new policy.I hope apple also reprimands them for curtailing features if user doesn't accept the new policy. It is also against their app store rules.
Apple won’t do that. Everybody will start hating apple. Apple shows their power only to small developers or ban those apps which will stop creating revenue for Apple due to the change like it did with EpicYeah, as it stands an app cannot provide different experiences for different users, so would be cool to see WhatsApp being suspended on the App Store if they go ahead with the changes of limiting access to those who don't accept the new policy.
Also, I just tried creating my account again after deleting it back in Jan and the new policy is forced upon new users from the 15th irrespective of whether you create an account with the old policy. Not that I am going to ever use WhatsApp again, but thought of mentioning it here in case anyone else thought they could create a new account under the old policy.