Remember when everybody massively installed Signal, Telegram, etc. and enjoyed checking who else did the same ?
90% of people forgot whether even those apps existed in their mobile now.
WhatsApp is used for office work, etc., those who don't use WA will be considered odd man out and even shamed.
FB know in details how their addicts behave and don't need to care.
Govt. use of these social media networks should be curtailed from beginning.
Instead, our govt. is making 'sabka vikaas' in capitalizing citizen's private data and eke out few shekels from it in every manner possible.
In a bid to reduce concentration risks in the payments sector, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) last year invited companies to forge so-called New Umbrella Entities (NUEs) to create a payments network that would rival the country's flagship processor, the National Payments Council of India (NPCI).
The NUE will be allowed to operate new payment systems including digital and ATM transactions.
Amazon, Google, Facebook and others have applied for such licences in partnership with Indian companies such as Reliance and ICICI Bank.
Involvement of big multi-national companies raises fears of abuse of user data and India's digital payment networks should continue to operate on a non-profit basis, the All India State Bank of India (SBI) Staff Federation and the UNI Global Union, a vocal critic of tech giants, wrote in the letter.