Not sure if this is the right thread for this. If not please move it mods.
I ordered a 5TB Seagate Portable drive from Amazon 2 days ago. I have ordered several of these in the past without issue.
I recd. the delivery about an hour ago. When I opened the box, there was no hard disk inside. Its something that looks like an SSD. I am not sure because its taped/sealed inside the box by someone and I didn't want to pull it out. On the rear, theres a logo marked "Terabyte" . I found a company with the same name here -
Its definitely their product as it has the words "Bringing technology into life" is printed on the product and is mentioned on their website as well.
But they dont make any such product as far as I could tell on their site. For a company that is reportedly setup in 2009, they hardly have any products. The website feels like an empty shell.
Contacted Amazon. They have arranged a return pickup. they said they will give me a refund. Hope they do.
I really wish Amazon would offer an option to open the box and check the item at the time of delivery. I believe FK offer this though it maybe be restricted to certain items only? Any item over 10k should offer this option IMO.
This is the FIRST TIME something like this has happened to me. Very unnerving. Posting this here just to let my fellow TE members know about it. Also to advise you that anytime you buy an item over 10k from Amazon (Or wherever), OPEN IT in the presence of the delivery guy. Even though he may not take it back if its wrong at least you will have some 3rd Party proof of the issue. Ordered another drive. This time I will make sure to OPEN THE BOX at the time of delivery.
What a lousy way to start my day.....