Amazon India lightning deals

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Calm down man, why so triggered lol
Perhaps you should follow your dp :p
Not triggered man, just pissed at the audacity to call sane advice wrong, then not backing it up with any actual data and instead giving sad-guru type advice when asked to give proof or f-off.
Dude could do a simple google search, say oh I thought wrong, we could all have a good laugh and move on.
But noooo, what you get are "read up bro", "stop assuming bro", "dont get triggered bro" type himbo advice/statements which all apply to him. Worse, he's a mod. lmao.
How does this compare to A2000? I have 2x A2000 1TB and satisfied with them. I am looking for SSD for another system now.
This will probably answer all your questions.
When I was SSD hunting earlier I so wanted an E12 drive, but none are available here now at a reasonable price. E12 drives are/were preferred over 970 Evo Plus because they are supposed to be cheaper and offer more value compared to the premium we have to shell out for Samsung, while offering equivalent performance. But the condition is so bad that whatever E12 is available costs the same or more than 970 Evo Plus and all of these are upwards of 11K.

I also threw some figures at NewMaxx to get his opinion on the price to performance factor of all that's available here and he picked SN550 at $125 (it's cheaper now). The other options I gave him were:
SN750 - $165 (12K)
970 Evo Plus - $192 (14K)
SP P34A80 - $160 - $190 (12K - 14K)
MP510 - $180 (13K)
A2000 - $130 - $150 (9.5K - 11K)
*These are not the current prices and exclude card offers

I was initially considering SN750 or 970 Evo Plus but he said "the SN750 doesn't offer much more than the SN550 for the average user... there should not be a huge premium there honestly," and I'm an average user, lol. Obviously, depends on the use case.
It is saying that it will be in stock on 10 August. Add 3-4 days to that for delivery and we get a delivery date of 13 or 14 August.
Sorted then. If you get a better price just cancel and get other one. Just check if they allow the card discount again after cancelling previous order.
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Dude, chill! On one side you say there are no personal attacks and on one side you say he is "yapping" "gaslighting" "champion of toxic behaviour" "admit you are wrong" Even if he is wrong, you should have patience and educate each other by posting relevant articles rather than focusing on who is right and who is wrong.
I am very chill mate. My problem is a random guy will read the ignorant comments about algorithms, buy the ssd for an IO intensive task and then wonder why the ssd conked in 2 yrs taking his data with it..

Yes ofcourse, I said that after the sad-guru started preaching me & indulging in gaslighting. What's wrong in saying he hasn't brought any proof on the table & was distracting with random sad-guru advice? Or in diagnosing his problematic behavior, or asking him to admit he's wrong? What about that is a personal attack?

Bruh, if he's crossing someone giving advice, he has to do the research and cross check his facts.
You can educate the un-educated, you can't educate the ignorant. Or maybe I'm not as optimistic as you are :)
If the debate on SN550 goes on; we should request the Amazon to start supplying the ready to eat popcorn instead.

First of all, the comments/education related to SN550 - should be moved to separate thread under appropriate section

and on later part, this thread itself for lightening deals

Cosmic Byte CB-GK-13 Neon Rainbow Backlit Mechanical Keyboard with Brown Outemu Switch (Black)​

Bought this yesterday for 1810, been waiting for this one for quite a while. Kept it tracking on keepa for almost 6 months now coming to think of it. Lightning deal seems to come every morning atm. This is the only outemu brown switch kb that I have found which is reasonably priced. Will receive it tmr, and hopefully meets my expectations.
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Bought this yesterday for 1810, been waiting for this one for quite a while. Kept it tracking on keepa for almost 6 months now coming to think of it. Lightning deal seems to come every morning atm. This is the only outemu brown switch kb that I have found which is reasonably priced. Will receive it tmr, and hopefully meets my expectations.
I also want to buy this but very reluctant because of the so many reviews that say keys/LED stop working within a few months.
Also, since those keys are soldered and not hot swappable, if one key went bad it's a waste. I'm in a dilemma because I do wanna try a mechanical keyboard but also not a too expensive one.
Currently using Redgear Blaze keyboard since 3 years which has floating keycaps and "mechanical feel", nice when typing but it's still membrane inside.
I also want to buy this but very reluctant because of the so many reviews that say keys/LED stop working within a few months.
Also, since those keys are soldered and not hot swappable, if one key went bad it's a waste. I'm in a dilemma because I do wanna try a mechanical keyboard but also not a too expensive one.
Currently using Redgear Blaze keyboard since 3 years which has floating keycaps and "mechanical feel", nice when typing but it's still membrane inside.
Honestly I didn't worry too much about this since my luck with electronic accessories is too good :P to jokingly say. Most of the stuff I buy either lasts forever or die in a month or two. I have no clue about cosmicbyte support and all but I think if it does break down within the warranty period, I am quite aggressive in my push for warranty claim lol. And yes, as you said, the kbs that you want like the hot swappables ones immediately double in price again.
B&D KR554RE 13mm drill for 1799rs. Its a good deal. Normal price is 2231rs. I've had it in my cart for a while now. The price change was not reflected in the cart but I noticed it while browsing around.
I need a deal on Angle Grinder now.
This Bosch GWS 600 still costs 2021rs.
If it ever comes to 1800-1900rs then its an instant buy.

Deepcool fanhub for 381rs. The price was around 450rs and it increased to 500rs.

BTW can someone confirm something for me, is the max discount of 1250rs applicable only if the total amount comes to 10k? Or is it 5k minimum purchase?
Asking this because my total amount comes to barely 3k and if I get something like an Angle Grinder then I'll be valid for the 1250rs discount which is good but if the minimum purchase amount is 10k then *phew*
BTW anyone come across any good monitor/hard disk deal? Need 24" 1080p 144Hz and 2TB sata hard disk.
Honestly I didn't worry too much about this since my luck with electronic accessories is too good :p to jokingly say. Most of the stuff I buy either lasts forever or die in a month or two.
Dude why are you talking about my life? smh
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Deepcool Gammaxx 400v2 cpu cooler 1389rs. Very good deal. Lowest price is 1320rs. Prime had it for 1300rs but shipping extra.
Yes. Can confirm.
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Deepcool Gammaxx 400v2 cpu cooler 1389rs. Very good deal. Lowest price is 1320rs. Prime had it for 1300rs but shipping extra.

I have corsair spec 01, can someone with same cabinet and this cooler tell will this cpu cooler fit in it?

Cabinet Clearance is lower than that the cooler requires but the cabinet side panel has a little bump(maybe 1.5 cms).
I have corsair spec 01, can someone with same cabinet and this cooler tell will this cpu cooler fit in it?

Cabinet Clearance is lower than that the cooler requires but the cabinet side panel has a little bump(maybe 1.5 cms).
I use it in lancool 215 which has CPU cooler clearance of 166 mm. See if it helps.
B&D KR554RE 13mm drill for 1799rs.
Been using it from last 4 years, bought at 1799/- at that time. It's good, serves all normal purposes.
Been using it from last 4 years, bought at 1799/- at that time. It's good, serves all normal purposes.
Glad to hear it. Hope its also good for screwing/loosening screws as I plan to use it on my concrete walls too, need to make some cupboards.
What bits do you use on wood btw?
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