Since I have been waiting for a 16k card for 6 months now, the interest on that amount itself will cover till 17k, so I am game the moment it lands...

Actually the new cards i.e 7770/7850/7870 dont ask for an upgrade from our existing cards like 6850/6870/6950. Practically the only difference I find is power consumption. For me, a 7850 is nothing more than 6950 except for power consumption and architecture. Many benchmarks show 7850 performs equal to or in some tests lesser than 6950. So whats the point in upgrading to a new card when the previous generation is capable of giving the same performance and at the same price(may be less). If 7850 would have been atleast 15 to 20% faster than 6950 and at the same price then a upgrade was worth which is not the case. But IMO these manufacturers should bring something better compared to previous gens cards at the same price point rather than just playing with the naming schemes.
#[member='chiragsthakur'] I don't understand your logic at all. AMD/nVidia don't make cards and release new ones every year so that you can go and keep upgrading your rig. You are happy with your setup, fine. But for those who are looking to upgrade after 3 years or building a new system, these new cards are the best bet. No one will buy a 6950, when there's a choice of going for 7850.
Isnt it the same always?? Just a generation upgrade will not bring much onto the table but if u are coming from 2 or more generations behind, it is a worthy upgrade. In my case, I have a 5850, dont you think 7850 is going to be a VFM upgrade for me??
#[member='chiragsthakur'] I don't understand your logic at all. AMD/nVidia don't make cards and release new ones every year so that you can go and keep upgrading your rig. You are happy with your setup, fine. But for those who are looking to upgrade after 3 years or building a new system, these new cards are the best bet. No one will buy a 6950, when there's a choice of going for 7850.
Bro, thats why I have mentioned 6xxx series as a reference. Its but obvious that guys with 5xxx series will find 7xxx a worthy upgrade. My point was about previous gen cards. And wasn't a 6950 worthy upgrade for 5850?? Yes it was definitely. But then a marginal performance increase with almost same or higher price tag doesn't justify the release of cards evry year. Rather they should wait for 2 years and come out with a card which is about 30% faster than previous ones and at the same price.
Those are purely my views.
Dont they release cards after every one year or so??Well, they do. You will understand my logic if you compare those cards with previous gen ones and not with cards which are 2 to 3 gens old.![]()
They'll lose the market to the other competitor while having no gains whatsoever, hence they need to keep updating their product lineup.
You are talking from manufacturers point of view & I am talking from customers point of view. I dont give a damn to what manufacturers do for their profit in this market, what I care is about my pocket and the returns I get by investing such huge amounts for paltry performance rise every year or two.
Back on the topic, so there is the MSI TF2 7870 for 22.1k (@SMC) and the Sapphire 7850 for 17.2k (@ ... obviously the 7870 is offering excellent VFM with the pricing, but that VFM is still 5k more expensive... by when do you guys expect a 16k pricing for a 7850 card and would you rather the 7850 or the 7870 for max bang for the buck in that range....?
so what would most guys go for ? . please share , which would be adequate to play most games at ultra for 3-4 yrs for a single monitor setup ?