I feel it is going to be too late, too little.
Till then Intel's budget Core i series processors will be out and AMD will be hard-pressed to find a market for these. Not to forget that this will be a 4 -->6 month window before Intel releases Haswell and further miniaturises its lineup and fills them with **** knows what iGP's.
with the release of the next gen consoles and games the current, (supposedly) capable igp's of Intel and Amd proccys will again become the worthless steaming piece of shit they always were(remember the gma series?couldn't even run hot wheels for christ sakes).to enable Igp's to be able to even play the next gen games would require serious on die space,and i guess quantum tunneling effects would come down like a b**ch.the current HD 4000 doesn't even slow down the neighbors kid,it can't play crysis 2 on the lowest settings on 720P!! the problem with BD and PD is their lack of FPU's,each module shares one.why couldn't amd just have bundled 2 with each module??they are already pricing BD a (little) competitively,i wouldn't have mined another 1K.
Adding an FPU to the processor would have made the module essentially a full-fledged core. Also unlike Intel which has a stranglehold on the market and thus an R&D budget the size of AMD yearly business (if not more).
And when are these 'next generation consoles' coming; it has been rumoured that the next XBox is being powered by an APU type processor so I will not be too worried.
AMD APU iGP's are still powerful enough to be used as standalone solutions in laptops and the APU delivers respectable CPU performance to keep the machine rolling. Not to mention AMD APU based machines have beaten Intel Core i3's / i5's in the battery benches too.
well considering that the current xbox pulls visuals present in games like GoW3 with a triple cored hyperthreaded proccy with a meagre Gpu by current standards(add other ram thingies here,yeah edram too), i would wager the next one even with the APU(but i really dnt see d point,is it for hybrid crossfire,or if not then wat is the advantage?) and a decent gpu would blow the likes of gtx 680 with ease(consider uc3,it simply is astounding as i am sure you would agree).this could be said of the PS3 too,although it's proccy saves it's day.I seriously dunno how devs accomplish this,since simply "optimisation" really couldn't be all of the secret sauce.and yeah,i wanted full cores from amd(for their own good) but amd giveth and amd taketh away.
i am just saying that even after 7 years of the current gen consoles launch,igp's still suck.(so APU's really shouldn't be hailed,like some do).they are alright for HTPC's i will give them that,but trinity is a major disappointment for me(such a meagre gain in igp performance,it should have been an advantage of the APU but they are just squandering it's potential).
The A5800K consumers more power then Intel's eight core monster at load!
Oops I meant the Extreme edition processor, its six cores.
Will they be compatible with my old 880GMA-e45 ?? FX 6300 looks nicePiledriver for the desktop (AM3+) is finally out, and it looks decent as long as you ignore power consumption.
The reviews are out, it's upto 10% faster than bulldozer in single threaded workloads, and about 15-20% faster in multi-threaded apps.
Links to a few reviews:
AnandTech - The Vishera Review: AMD FX-8350, FX-8320, FX-6300 and FX-4300 Tested
AMD FX-8350 Vishera 8-Core CPU Review - HotHardware
AMD FX-8350 Review: Does Piledriver Fix Bulldozer's Flaws? : Meet AMD?s Piledriver-Based FX Line-Up
AMD FX-8350 Vishera Desktop Processor | AMD FX-8350,Vishera,CPU,Processor,FD8350FRW8KHK,Benchmarks,Performance,Reviews,David Ramsey,AMD FX-8350 Vishera Desktop Processor FD8350FRW8KHK Benchmark Performance Review by David Ramsey
Will they be compatible with my old 880GMA-e45 ?? FX 6300 looks nice
aww man !!No, they will not be compatible.