When comparing cards as a whole you have to look at how they perform differently in different games, one is always going to perform better in some game, that is why I think this is alright. How would you suggest to compare them?
Yes, we look at a group of games, but then that has to be combined into a single number. Simple average is wrong for that.
Say you have test 1 : 100 vs 80 and test 2 : 20 vs 40
So 1.25x faster in test 1 and 0.5x in test 2.
Simple average gives 120/2 vs 120/2. ie equal. But that's clearly not equal.
I am no math expert, but this is very basic.
If looking at percentages, then we need to convert to ratios and multiply.
Anyway ..
How much do you think they should be priced at?
Dunno, i am not too interested. In terms of cost, i have no idea what their cost is.
5070ti is probably faster in RT and equal / slightly slower in raster.
Even if you consider that they are the same, Nvidia-50$ hasn't worked for them.
RT is better now, FSR4 is hopefully more competetive. But does it get close to DLSS 4 which seems to have made a major improvement,
If Nvidia supplies at 750$, then 650-600 is not too bad. I would definitely pick that if i had to buy. But will it compel people to buy ?
I dunno. Remember even at 750$ Nvidia is giving very bad value. Its a 5070 hidden as 5070ti. They did same last gen, and amd did same.
If Nvidia does not supply, then even 750$ is a good price and they will get whatever pent up demand is present.
Problem is, once AMD gives a good price, Nvidia will lower price and then people will buy Nvidia only. AMD has to do something to change this, or Nvidia has to not care.
Else eventually only Nvidia will remain and AMD will exit given their diminishing market share. Or only focus on entry level where Nvidia doesnt seem to care.
To upgrade, i need something better maybe a 4090 equivalent, but that's not happening. I am too lazy to upgrade for a 50% bump, atleast not now.
5070 vs 9070 non xt is more clear cut i think because of vram and closing gap in RT/upscaling. So Nvidia will likely come back with 5070 18gb next year.
Hopefully Amd has a clean launch with good drivers and availability, that should help.