Ankit Phadia.. Again !

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:rofl: now watch some phenomenal 'hacking' videos by Fraudia where is teaches - undo a sent mail in gmail, how to change the extension of a file, hiding a file!, restore a file from recycle bin!!, uploading pics to picasa/flickr!!!

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Now those are really cool hacking videos, aren't they? :hap2:

Ethical hacker ... my ar$e
lol hes funny.. looks irritating and add jose to that and its ewww... :|

also hes not what he looks, this guy must be reading forums very thoroughly. :P

and for hacking skills he must have got it from here The Secret of Hacking E-Store - Best Ethical Hacking Book :: Easily Pass CEH, CHFI,CISA, CISSP.

In December 2009 Fadia's business site, was hacked by a spammer promoting pharmaceutical products for erectile dysfunction. [21]

rofl LOL
broadway said:
Don't know the exact name but yeah something like that.

Yeah its MTV WTH .. real amateur show .... saw 2 episodes ... man so kiddish stuff, use the word HACK for the show is an insult to the word ...
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