Keane 16 said:Rant over.
Edit: I still feel like breaking something..... on his face.
Keane 16 said:Rant over.
Edit: I still feel like breaking something..... on his face.
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:ROFL, this dumbass' "exploits" composed of batch files that would shut down your system back when I was mildly interested in this. I actually googled his name back in 2000 I think when he first came onto the scene and even though what he explained in his articles was news to me back then, it never really seemed like hacking, lol.
Hell, pay me 500 bucks and I'll teach you how to set up netcat to listen on some obscure port which you can later hook onto and add as many admin accounts as you want to, lol. The real stuff is probably a lot harder.
cyrux said:Steganography and Cryptanalysis. Does he have a PhD degree in Maths or Statistics ? These concepts just cant be learnt over the internet, although you can use tools that are already available.
Lord Nemesis said:However Cryptanalysis is a different ball game altogether and does require considerable knowledge of math/statistics/computer programming. Its a problem that people have been trying to solve back since the days of the first coded messages. Its hard to decode encrypted data even if you know there is encrypted data in file and the encryption is trivial, never mind stegenography where you don't even know there is some encoded information.
MAGNeT said:LIke the movie the beautiful mind..where russel was working for a secret agency right?
ultra vires said:OMFG.. that @$$ what phail books, i knew he was kinda useless but giving information like " everybody on internet has an IP address and can be traced...blah" . For heavens sake every kid knows this.
MAGNeT said:But does any kid had the idea of pasting it in a book bring it in market and than earn ard self proclaim 20lakh+ salary a month?