Another what car to buy thread :P

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I'd suggest you wait a while since a lot of new cars are on the cards, i.e. The redesigned 2007 Elantra (looks way better than the current model), Optra diesel , the sx4 based Baleno, the re-designed Corolla, and hopefully the Fiat Punto sedan if fiat can hurry up.......... If you're not in a hurry waiting for these new editions could be worth your while.
BTW czar did you buy your car? I remember you putting up a thread sometime back.

Nopes, after TDing all these cars (Verna, Fiesta, NHC and Aveo) I didn't really feel any substantial improvement over my existing car (Corsa 1.6)

When I had put up the thread, I was hazaar enthu abt picking up a new one as I had just got debt free on everything (Car loan, edu loan etc) but eventually realized that any substantial improvement over the current car would come only from something like a Civic..but at the same time, had no intentions of plonking that kind of money on a car....

Frankly speaking, there's really no point in you buying a Sedan...

When I bought my car , there were no good hatchbacks available in the market...But currently, with the swift, I do not see any reason for a single guy to pick up anything but that.....

(A single guy, who'll be paying from his own pocket....Not talking of folks who'll get their parents to buy it for them ;) )
^^Agreed that the Swift is a really nice car overall for the price, esp the Zxi but its a bit too small for me IMHO and between C segment cars and the Swift, I'd pick up the Swift anyday. But compared to the entry D segment, there's definitely something missing. I'm in the same boat as you are... can afford something better than the hatchbacks but can't afford a civic or octy for sure :P.
If your criteria is a fun car...dont even consider the Corolla..its just fast in a straight line..its got lot of body roll....u'll feel every bump on the road while driving...and the power steering is overassisted...

The Elantra CRDI isnt that much fun pulls nicely...and the chassis feels taut but the brakes arent that good...

I'd say get the old Honda City Vtec :D

No idea abt the current Honda City or the Cedia (frm wat u said it seems like the Lancer mostly show but not much go)

I'd say get the old Honda City Vtec!! :D :D
^^Err I'd not want a used car. Too many hassles. While I'd have loved an old VTEC, I don't think its worth the trouble. A while back someone I know well offered me a real nice deal on a Corolla 1.8G A/T but after a lot of thought, came to the conclusion that used cars are just not worth it. I'm mostly thinking of the Cedia plus a few performance mods. Absolutely nothing beats it in handling... even stuff thats twice the price.
You get certified cars from the Honda dealers only....but since u dont want a used no use...

Well abt the Cedia...if u r gonna use the car for 5-6 yrs....bear in mind the cost of spares n the service of HM....
^^^yup with Cedia be prepared to bear the *other * expenses and constant trouble with HM and probs in getting spares.....

IMO the best choice then would be a a City VTEC
i will say go with Cedia ....... as i can see u are going to do most of the driving ....... got test ride my self and after RS, cedia was only thing which feels "confidence inspiring" while driving....... i don't know but i always find Hyundai cars ugly and character less ....... u will also get exclusivity with cedia which no other car offer ......

but i will say beg ,steal do anything but if u can get a RS ........ most driver oriented fun car in india ....... and u can take it to tracks as well :P

about the corolla "people say driving corolla is like driving a washing machine" (no offence to corolla owners )

btw wat is the price of CIVIC it is also nice car ....... with sequential gearbox it rocks :D
Switch said:
If i were to spend 10 i would wait a while and spend 13 to get a Civic... You are thinking in terms of long term investment for 5-6 years... Makes no sense not to go in for a Civic... Just dont upgrade the bloddy comp for a while...
I agree with Switch unc.

You could also check out the Sonata Embera which was selling for ~10lacs around a month back ..
Cedia..... without a doubt. A Cedia + Free flow exhaust + K&N Extreme air intake kit, a short shifter, upgraded suspension would kickass !!

Maybe a slight cosmetic upgrade as well, bigger alloys, body kit, (front bumper, rear bumper, side skirts ).

That would look SEXY !!

Otherwise, drive the Ctiy Vtec.... it is damn damn fast...but handling isnt the greatest. Feels really light at high speeds..... my dad and me touched a top speed of 180 this time on the NICE road.

IT felt steady, but my dad said the steering felt light. He was still comfortable with the car, but he cant compare it to the others as he hasnt driven the other cars (Cedia, Octy) at such high speeds....
or you could wait for the new Baleno...

Maruti ready with Baleno's replacement-News-Indiatimes Auto

It would be kinda pointless taking a big car loan at this moment, what with the interest rates at (hopefully) their all time high....

Stick to a sub 8 budget so that you don't end up kicking yourself later....

Having a big car in Bangalore traffic can be extremely unwieldy....

The Swift would have been the perfect buy at your age...

I know the problems a C class car gives, multiply that by a factor of 2 for a D segment car...

Given the fact that you would require the extra rear seat space and the boot space very rarely, my recommendation would be a

Swift Zxi>Fiesta 1.6>Verna Xi

I am assuming you don't have a rich dad or don;t want your rich dad to foot the bill, and it would be kinda pointless to spend the EMI on a huge car loan + the petrol expenses.....

after 6 months, when the new car thrill fades away, the car would simply become a point A ->point B transportation tool..whether it's a Honda Civic or a Swift....

Also a 15-20K car emi perhaps won;t hurt now, but sooner, rather than later, you'll think of investing some money in real estate, and thats when the Car EMI would hurt....

Not worth a 6 month thrill IMHO
^^ it all depends upon how passionated u are about cars ........ if u are interested in cars & love driving then i don't think u will kicking urself for buying a expensive car in 2 months .......

anyways for sub 8k budget i will buy a swift ZXi eyes closed ...... with little mods it looks way better than other in that range ....... and it will keep u refresh every morning ...... looking at the banglore traffic i will suggest swift .......
^^ it all depends upon how passionated u are about cars ........ if u are interested in cars & love driving then i don't think u will kicking urself for buying a expensive car in 2 months .......

anyways for sub 8k budget i will buy a swift ZXi eyes closed ...... with little mods it looks way better than other in that range ....... and it will keep u refresh every morning ...... looking at the banglore traffic i will suggest swift .......

Whatever car you buy dude...Max 6 months and it'll become a point A -> Point B tool...

Hehe, I'll tell you a story from when I bought my car, I used to be in Gurgaon, and parking in my office was FCFS...we had limited basement parking space, the next slots to be filled up were the uncovered (but shaded )slots inside the building followed by the slots under direct sun ...and the real latecomers (11:30 onwards types) would be left with no option but to parallel park their cars in the service lane outside office...

To start with, for the first two weeks, i would reach office by 9:15 to capture one of the basement slots...2 weeks, and I decided it wasn't worth the effort so I'd reach by 10 and get a slot inside the building....2 months and it was back to square one... (i.e. reach late, and not bother about where the car gets parked) :P

LOL, i even waxed the car by hand when it was new..No way I'd do it now :P

not that I don't like my car, just that the thrill fades away and a Swift starts looking the same as a Fiesta as a Cedia
superczar said:
Whatever car you buy dude...Max 6 months and it'll become a point A -> Point B tool...

nopes ...... not for me ...... currently i don't own any car but have some at home ....... we have new expensive sedans but still the thing i love most to take out is Zen ........ its more than 6 years old but in very good condition ...... maintained and driven mostly by me ........ everytime i take her out its just awesome ....... feels like heaven :D
superczar said:
Whatever car you buy dude...Max 6 months and it'll become a point A -> Point B tool...
I disagree... if you enjoy driving and take frequent trips out of town, it won't simply be a "mode of travel".
I disagree... if you enjoy driving and take frequent trips out of town, it won't simply be a "mode of travel".

How often, once every quarter?

Ok, maybe i overdid it by saying it's just a mode of travel, but frankly, 90% of the time, that's what it is....

And how much of an extra thrill would a Civic give you on a outstation ride over a Swift?

Not that you have 3 people to cram in the backseat...or tonnes of luggage to shove in the boot....

Most outstation trips for folks like us comprise of just two people with a couple of bags...

A Civic or a Cedia would not give you enough of an incremental advantage to justify a 20K addl EMI a month..

PS: For the record, I don't own a Swift so it's not a case of a peron trying to justify his purchase :P
superczar said:
How often, once every quarter?

Ok, maybe i overdid it by saying it's just a mode of travel, but frankly, 90% of the time, that's what it is....

And how much of an extra thrill would a Civic give you on a outstation ride over a Swift?

Not that you have 3 people to cram in the backseat...or tonnes of luggage to shove in the boot....

Most outstation trips for folks like us comprise of just two people with a couple of bags...

A Civic or a Cedia would not give you enough of an incremental advantage to justify a 20K addl EMI a month..

PS: For the record, I don't own a Swift so it's not a case of a peron trying to justify his purchase :P

dude dude ...... please never ever compare a swift with a civic ....... both are as different as dell and sony :P ........

if i had the mony, wud have paid anything for that gearbox on civic ........ its just awesome :D

and at last some people drive to go and some go to drive so there is a difference :) .........
nopes ...... not for me ...... currently i don't own any car but have some at home ....... we have new expensive sedans but still the thing i love most to take out is Zen ........ its more than 6 years old but in very good condition ...... maintained and driven mostly by me ........ everytime i take her out its just awesome ....... feels like heaven

Dude....At home, you have all the time in the world to enjoy driving for the sheer pleasure of driving....

If that same Zen was with you here, you'd understand what I am talking about.....

The same drive (office commute) would feel like hell....and it would be all the more hellish on a Civic compared to your Zen ;)

An errant biker hitting your Zen's bumper from behind, no sweat...

the same biker knocking down the Civic's rear view mirror, the difference in the feeling compared to the former....the less I say about it, the better :P
superczar said:
How often, once every quarter?

Ok, maybe i overdid it by saying it's just a mode of travel, but frankly, 90% of the time, that's what it is....
I'm talking once a month... and if you truly enjoy driving, you will find an excuse to head out of town as frequently as possible. I do.
superczar said:
Dude....At home, you have all the time in the world to enjoy driving for the sheer pleasure of driving....
If that same Zen was with you here, you'd understand what I am talking about.....

The same drive (office commute) would feel like hell....and it would be all the more hellish on a Civic compared to your Zen ;)

An errant biker hitting your Zen's bumper from behind, no sweat...
the same biker knocking down the Civic's rear view mirror, the difference in the feeling compared to the former....the less I say about it, the better :P

hehe ...... still not agree lol

i can't tell u how much miss that car here but don't want to bring it here ..... will buy new one with own mony :D ......

its matter of how much u enjoy driving ....... all student life i have done biking and still got a new one here :D ...... so for me no life without cars or bike ....... when i got my bike many people suggest me not to go for this one coz they travel more kmpl on their ....... but kmpl was last in preferences while buying the bike ...... even this one takes same time to reach office but still i like it this way ...... :)

anyways too much of OT lets get to the subject here :P
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