, they did not give me repack option -_-
Please be careful while dealing with PPOBOX , they are not transparent , and do not show how they got the 22lbs volumetric weight figure.Though i am not in loss , but this hefty invoice reduced the discount by a lot...
Item Type: Computer_accessories_Peripherals
Package Weight : 8.6 lbs (actual)
Shipped from:
Insurance: You have opted to insure this package
This package will be shipped to:
Total fees for shipment are below:
Item Actual Weight Including Volumetric (lbs.): 22lbs(charged on 18lbs)
ICC Shipping, Handling & Clearance Fees: Rs. 7,263
Insurance Fees: Rs. 79.2
Customs Duty: Rs. 630
Service Tax: Rs. 898
Total Due: