Graphic Cards Any RTX 40xx or RTX 30xx series GPUs under 40k


Hello all,

Any RTX 40xx or RTX 30xx series GPUs under 40k
From Canada used or new.
Where to buy? Which one to buy?
I mean how much GB is enough for 2025 and 3 years in to future?
If not in Canada then where to search? I mean will used cards or new cards in US can be bought in today's tariffs?
Please tell. Because my sister is going to come next month and will go back immediately after a week and come back again in August.
So is waiting till june or July recommended or not?
Please suggest. Thanks.
Today 8~10gb VRAM is sufficient for 1080p
So a 3080ti @ 40k used will be sufficient for 1440p gaming now and in the near future.
However if you want future proofing considering the next 3 years, a 5070 or more (with fake frames) for >60k would be the least I would recommend.
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Today 8~10gb VRAM is sufficient for 1080p
So a 3080ti @ 40k used will be sufficient for 1440p gaming now and in the near future.
However if you want future proofing considering the next 3 years, a 5070 or more (with fake frames) for >60k would be the least I would recommend.
I want for 1440p gaming only.
Hello all,

Any RTX 40xx or RTX 30xx series GPUs under 40k
From Canada used or new.
Where to buy? Which one to buy?
I mean how much GB is enough for 2025 and 3 years in to future?
If not in Canada then where to search? I mean will used cards or new cards in US can be bought in today's tariffs?
Please tell. Because my sister is going to come next month and will go back immediately after a week and come back again in August.
So is waiting till june or July recommended or not?
Please suggest. Thanks.
depends on resolution,
(considering ultra pro max with exception of some setting set to mid settings in given resolution, )
8gb should be enough for 1080p games for the next 3 years. (for optimized games) for unoptimized games you may need a bit higher then again games will use ram to cache and would feel a bit choppy in those scenarios
beyond that resolution yeah..... cant guarrantee much

(i had a blackout here back now to finish my text)

12gb for 1440p sometimes bit more for unoptimized or modded games
16gb for 4k
i think that makes 12gb for 1080p a sweetspot

(lifted from reddit comment)
If you have 12GB, your probably looking at closer to 5 years realistically, there’s a theoretical side and a reality side. Even if you have a 8GB card, they still work past 8GB, you just end up caching some textures outside of VRAM.

For argument sake, say your using 8.5-9GB when you have 8GB, your system will still play the game, it just may appear a little choppy, not unplayable at all, but just not perfect that’s all.
I will definitely agree on getting at least a 12GB card like 3080TI for 1440p gaming. 3080TI and 4070 are very close in performance so get whichever one you find for cheaper.
Can I get either of the above cards used or new from Canada under 40k?
If you buy from Canada you will not get warranty so might as well buy a used one from India which will most probably come with warranty. Also I roughly checked pricing of RTX 4070 in Canada and found none cheaper than 50k INR. Apparently even after heavy taxation we do get alright deals here in India.
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I will definitely agree on getting at least a 12GB card like 3080TI for 1440p gaming. 3080TI and 4070 are very close in performance so get whichever one you find for cheaper.

If you buy from Canada you will not get warranty so might as well buy a used one from India which will most probably come with warranty. Also I roughly checked pricing of RTX 4070 in Canada and found none cheaper than 50k INR. Apparently even after heavy taxation we do get alright deals here in India.
Thanks man for confirming regarding pricing of 3080ti and 4070 in Canada Vs. India.
So it's better to get used cards from India itself than Canada as warranty is an issue.
I did not think about this.
Thanks man for confirming regarding pricing of 3080ti and 4070 in Canada Vs. India.
So it's better to get used cards from India itself than Canada as warranty is an issue.
I did not think about this.
Keep a few things in mind:

1. The 3080Ti is around 15% faster than the 4070, but it's a power hog.
2. Compared to a 3080Ti, you'll most likely get a better warranty period on a 4070.
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I'd recommend avoiding ampere, the memory runs way too hot. The 3060 12gigs is the only ampere card I'd recommend. Is ebay or other used sites an option for you? Also why wouldn't you consider AMD, given a purely gaming card?
I'd recommend avoiding ampere, the memory runs way too hot. The 3060 12gigs is the only ampere card I'd recommend. Is ebay or other used sites an option for you? Also why wouldn't you consider AMD, given a purely gaming card?
After seeing Canada computers, 3080ti is $2700 while 4070 is $1300 but 9070xt all are priced between $849 - $999.
Why do nvidia GPUs are priced so much higher than latest AMD GPUs.
I am thinking of getting nvidia 4070s used india if available under 40k or ask my sister to bring 9070xt for near to msrp in Canada. And again there won't be any warranty if she brings and as this also need to be taken into consideration.
There are sites in Canada which are selling 9070xts for $799. But my sister is saying if they are near only or available for pickup she might consider.
Next month I am buying the 1st 3 parts ie, cpu,mobo,ram and cpu cooler. Then I will upgrade in parts.
If you are buying used then buy it from here only as the prices are almost identical. If you are buying new right now then get a 7800 XT instead, open box is going for CA$640 on canada computers. If you can extend your budget get a 9070/9070XT, if you can wait then wait for the 9060XT. As for VRAM 12GB is the minimum that I would recommend going for, 16GB would be ideal.
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Not according to the GPU hierarchy chart at 1440p. Approx. 98 fps vs 104fps. The gap does widen at 4k though. Considering 3080TI consuming higher power and being olden gen 4070 is no-brainer here.
Regarding power consumption, definitely. Thus pointed it as being a power hog. Depends on what price He's getting each for.
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