Car & Bike Anyone is member in TEAM-BHP

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Dear vivek.krishnan,

We are sorry, but your Team-BHP membership could not be approved.

As you might know, the “Why Team-BHP?”, “Which Policy?” and "Which Indian Car?" fields play a crucial part in the selection of our Members. We are very particular about the answers you provide in your application, so do give them some thought when applying. Please pay very close attention to the guidelines provided on the registration page, as disregarding any of them will negatively affect your application.

In addition, do note that:

1. You may re-register with the same username & email address that was used in your earlier attempt.

2. The entire forum is open & searchable, even to non-members.

We thank you for expressing interest in joining Team-BHP, and request you to consider registering again.

Keep Revvin',

The Team-BHP Support

No thank, once is enough. Maybe it was the fact that I still 'own' a M800 is what maybe put them off me ;).
Rejected 5th time now :D

vivek.krishnan said:
No thank, once is enough. Maybe it was the fact that I still 'own' a M800 is what maybe put them off me ;).

Even I think the same... I case of mine, maybe factors like owning a wagonR, or a 19yrs engg student is the thing they are not really liking

I just want to crack into their Motorbikes section. They have decent bullets geek.. Bullet stuff has almost died in xBhp :(

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

If anyday I open a company and need to hire people I would keep one section of getting registered in Team-bhp.. If u crack it u are talented enough to work for me :D
vivek.krishnan said:
Maybe it was the fact that I still 'own' a M800 is what maybe put them off me ;).

Dont worry having a nano have so far made my attempts to 15.

Now inorder to register i type it as attempt_1,attempt_2....,attempt_15,etc so on
manojkrishnaks said:
I dont have a account there but every day i browse that forum,the only reason i didnt apply is scare of getting rejected:S

Nothing to be scared about mate. Its not like you can't apply again. If you get rejected, change strategy and apply again.
Just remember, be true to what you feel, no buttering, and perfect grammer.
i dont believe people are dying to get into this useless site. ive practically helped them get so many members, and now i just tick off people for kicks. been banned 5 times and its fun. look around the internet. tons of awesome forums around. u dont need membership anyways to read their stuff n all
It would help if people here who are trying to enroll maintain a copy of what they are giving to get enrolled. In case one of the members here get enrolled we can use the similar thing to get enrolled.
What do you guys write in field "Which policy of Tbhp is imp according to you"

This is the most sucking field I guess.. None of them is good.. use 2 smily dont do this dont do that... Itna to school me teacher bhi boundation nahi lagati thi :X
Like someone said on the first page of this thread. Control freaks, and the mods are complete megalomaniacs, and of course they have very obvious double standards. Why the hell would anyone try 'repeatedly' to get in there? Just beats me.
not getting team-bhp enrollment

I need suggestions for Head unit and door speakers for Swift vdi.

Please suggest

budget ~15-20K for HU + 2 front tweeters + 4 door speakers, no amps/sub's

Requirement :

A head unit that can play CD/USB/Aux/Ipod and preferrably DVD's also.

It should play audio and video formats both.

Want to have a decent investment now and add video LCD later.

and speakers
head unit go for pioneer if not in budget jvc is there. tried and tested both brands. speakers in todays world start at around 2k. morel are available for 2.6k a pair u can put two pairs and ure done. if budget permits hertz 165 for around 5k a paid. they are very good. dvd in this budget with speakers not possible since dvd double din units start in at 17k. illusion is also good brand if available in ur area.
warewolf4586 said:
not getting team-bhp enrollment
I need suggestions for Head unit and door speakers for Swift vdi.
Please suggest
budget ~15-20K for HU + 2 front tweeters + 4 door speakers, no amps/sub's
Requirement :
A head unit that can play CD/USB/Aux/Ipod and preferrably DVD's also.
It should play audio and video formats both.
Want to have a decent investment now and add video LCD later.
and speakers
You don't need membership to browse the forum. Go ahead and read, there are already lots of similar threads there. e.g.

The Swift Audio Thread - Team-BHP

Also, go through Gearheads,
'I've got an ICE doubt' thread! All petty queries here!
Ice crisis swift 2011
jesal said:
head unit go for pioneer if not in budget jvc is there. tried and tested both brands. speakers in todays world start at around 2k. morel are available for 2.6k a pair u can put two pairs and ure done. if budget permits hertz 165 for around 5k a paid. they are very good. dvd in this budget with speakers not possible since dvd double din units start in at 17k. illusion is also good brand if available in ur area.

where to get hertz 165 and morel in gurgaon/delhi.

Also which model will be available in India for hertz 165 and it's cost

and I can omit LCD for now, are there 2-Din HU's for dvd AV player without LCD & with USB/AUX/IPOd functions around 10-12K ?

I think I can use rest for speakers (5-6K)
archat68 said:
You don't need membership to browse the forum. Go ahead and read, there are already lots of similar threads there. e.g.

The Swift Audio Thread - Team-BHP

Also, go through Gearheads,

'I've got an ICE doubt' thread! All petty queries here!

Ice crisis swift 2011

I had visited some of these forums, any specific result for new swift 2011 ?
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