Car & Bike Anyone is member in TEAM-BHP

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no need to be a member..... read only is enough. already struggling with pace of IT and upgrades (both hardware and software)....already too much much can we do :P anyway i would google first else ping Ameya if i have any query about car
I just got in Team BHP... :clap::clap::clap:
This was my first attempt :bleh:
User name: adilj but still in moderation till 25 posts
scudmissile007 said:
They have changed their motto from auto forum to writers forum,They dont want auto lovers they need script writers.Anyway gearheads is enough for me.

I loved this part when you say they need script writers as members.

AsidXxx said:
Its easier to get into Harvard than TeamBHP.

I agree!

lida said:
I just got in Team BHP... :clap::clap::clap:

This was my first attempt :bleh:

User name: adilj but still in moderation till 25 posts

How did you get in?

I think they decide based on what we give in a section. I don't know what they are expecting there!
andy1978 said:
How did you get in?

I think they decide based on what we give in a section. I don't know what they are expecting there!

I have no clue. I wrote what i do and all the interests I have in automotive domain and also mentioned that I work on the FSAE car that was built by my college... And i guess that was enough to let me in.
Congrats to you.
But that site has some serious moderator issues.
I have applied twice...and still no acceptance. I dont know wether my motor head is not at their par (can't be...i love cars,bikes, anything that moves above 60kph) or i don't have enough saliva....(to lick you know what.)
I registered successfully a couple of years back.

They rejected my application for the first time, so i wrote the most cheesiest paragraph i could imagine.

They act too elitist for some reason.
Poga said:
Congrats to you.

But that site has some serious moderator issues.

I have applied twice...and still no acceptance. I don't know whether my motor head is not at their par (can't be...i love cars,bikes, anything that moves above 60kph) or i don't have enough saliva....(to lick you know what.)

I know what you mean. I had a very strong feeling that i was going to be rejected to but somehow they accepted. I have no clue why but am glad they accepted my membership.

And trust me i know about their moderation. They are very strict about that for some weird reason. I just think that they are trying to keep the forum clean cause many cheesy/lousy people can get access to a net connection and log become members to a forum. Please don't get me wrong I am referring to those fellows who think bike stunts are way of life or guys with so much bling on their cars/bikes that they will put Swarovski Crystal to shame. That problem is not there with tech forums cause very few people have the intellect to be a part of tech forums. Vehicles are different, anyone with a descent pair of wheels thinks he is DC or some Know-It-All of cars.

MOD please do not infract me for this. This is just what I think is the reason for their strict moderation. If you find anythin offensive please let me know will change that or just omit it.
Easier to become a Freemason than to get into Team BHP. Wonder why they are so uptight about granting membership? Tried once but rejected and now no desire to try again. If they are cat's whiskers, let them be.
I was a member earlier via my primary email ID, but they started asking existing members to answer those questions - which I didn't, so now I can't use my primary email address.

I tried couple of times with another email address before getting accepted. Somehow listing location as Kolkata instead of Bangalore might have helped ;)

The intent is primarily to keep the quality of posts/conversations high, which is good. However, I agree that the crazy moderation while signing up can be made less strict - they anyway have 25 post moderation, etc - good enough I guess.

I find TE to be a pretty decently moderated forum, with less of the rules. Sure, some of the SMS lingo etc come into some of the posts, but again, moderation/comments here take care of that.

Personally I found T-BHP to be pretty helpful for my car buying queries, as I was more of a noob. Very helpful people, most of them. But then I just bought a lowly Wagon-R and do not have strong opinions on most of the technical stuff there :)

Other forums like carwale do not seem up to the mark. Will try gearheads sometime.

I too tried a few times but rejected always. At least they have not restricted the access for unregistered users. Have spent quality amount of time in "Super-Cars & Imports in India" & reading reviews of the latest cars in India :D
Guys, Any other good forums as T BHP, I know its best but becoming kind of exclusive in membership (Hope they dont sell like DT ::)
I registered a long time ago. Before they had this 'selection' process. T-bhp has some nice info but their elitist attitude is sick. I know they have a reason to do that, and we has a nation have enough morons who don't know how to behave in public, let alone a public forum. It is their double standards in moderation that ticks me off.
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