Car & Bike Anyone is member in TEAM-BHP

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T-Bhp is an overmoderated forum, mods. there think they know the best & won't listen to anything. In case you enter an argument/discussion with them, all would pounce on you!
Try pleasing the mods & you can be among distinguished members!
This techenclave website looks identical to team-bhp in everything. Hopefully this post of mine atleast gets a look here. To be honest I got a lot from team-bhp for my car search. Now, I want to give something in return. However am not allowed to. Their rules suck. Looks like you need to get a degree in English from Oxford. Damn! I dont care about - as some one said - the folks behind the wheel. The contributions of not those 14 folks which helped me, its the other members. I just wanted to send all of those folks a thank you note, but am not able to. Just for them - I have been trying for quite some days now. But am fed up. Greenhorn, are you listening. Can someone tell them.
Wow, this was so easy to post. Thanks, techenclave - sorry for not writing auto-specific. Did I write anything offensive? No. The English was pretty ok, I feel. Then why?
jeevmenon said:
Wow, this was so easy to post. Thanks, techenclave - sorry for not writing auto-specific. Did I write anything offensive? No. The English was pretty ok, I feel. Then why?

haha. try saying "tech sucks" then see what happens :D
sure, just post the thanks here/PM me, and I'll make sure I'll forward it on to the folks you want to.

Sorry you couldnt make it there
team-bhp rules keeps away newbies and techies mostly away from that automotive forum.Infact ,it is good that an average auto enthusiast finds that place great.
im on the T-bhp forum..good thing i dint have a headache getting in there...

the moderation is tough and at times gets on nerves of some.. but its quite interesting to see how many people wait in queues just to get in..they get newbies by the tons there everyday..

btw my title name is same at both places
After being members for a few years (e.g. me since 2004), some of us have started a new forum - no moderation at all and everybody is free to express opinions on anything. No ’’approval’’ for joining - we invite you to join and provide your honest feedback on all things automotive and on the forum itself.
The least they (team-bhp) can do is fix the "permission denied" error that appears when a newbie tries to post. It has php code instead of the username. Silly.

Thought it would be a good place to post a query. The WL/moderation seems overkill though - TE uses the same s/w and is doing fine without that kind of moderation.
TBHP maintains such high quality because of their strict moderation level. They don't care who you are, if you don't follow the rules, you are out!!! A big ICE dealer there, with great knowledge in ICE, had lots of informative posts, was banned for not following the rules.
They're within their rights to reject membership,but the problem is it's all arbitrary and i bet they don't read all the questions that the people are made to answer while registering.
sujit801 said:
TBHP maintains such high quality because of their strict moderation level. They don't care who you are, if you don't follow the rules, you are out!!! A big ICE dealer there, with great knowledge in ICE, had lots of informative posts, was banned for not following the rules.

That's not true. There is some favouritism. Some people get banned and some dont. SOme people's posts are deleted if they target one member, but other peopkle target other people and their posts stay.
Nikhil said:
That's not true. There is some favouritism. Some people get banned and some dont. SOme people's posts are deleted if they target one member, but other peopkle target other people and their posts stay.

So their rules they prohibit marketing,yet there're members openly sporting their alliances to commercial brands and even recommending them.they don't get banned cos they suck up to the mods.
is this a case of sour grapes? the point is teambhp reserves the rights of admission.. just like any other forum or establishment....

some get lucky some dont - but there must be some order in the chaos!

abhinavmodi said:
The least they (team-bhp) can do is fix the "permission denied" error that appears when a newbie tries to post. It has php code instead of the username. Silly.

Thought it would be a good place to post a query. The WL/moderation seems overkill though - TE uses the same s/w and is doing fine without that kind of moderation.

I learnt from a *very* reliable source that this is not so any more. Earlier, instead of rejecting, they would grant limited rights which would let the users login, but not post. such users get these errors. Now they just reject, and the user can re apply using the same email ID , and hopefully, a more conformant application
Two years in there. To my knowledge wrote only when needed and crisp and to the point. I got disturbed when a couple of my posts were ripped off when it looked very logical and helping the driving community. Nothing indecent or hurtful. It was a healthy debate. The same debate someone else who was a Distinguished guy after very few posts (surprisingly!) was not making sense and he could muscle and go ahead in the argument - looked very nexus like. Even other wise some are made D guys who keep posting so frequently that the thread moves pages very quickly and one keeps reading more than an hour and one does not get to the right answer just because of this guy's interlaced comments which dont add value - just adds posts to get a D mark - 6K posts in 2 yrs - absurd! I can understand if its by a hvk kind of traveller. Look up GM and post routes as if they did it last week. If you have not done the route please shut your mouth. Anyone can GM it! Recently I reviewed a travel route was suggesting and it was totally absurd/misleading. How can the moderators tolerate this? They give a D to this guy. I mean Ds are supposed to be the pious/crisp/great guys. There was an other instance where another senior tells about a route a week before I did it to be in pathetic condition and it turned out to be the opposite of it. I mean this is sheer misleading.

Greenhorn! Please relay this.

One another thing: I dont think its grapes are sour. Its no big deal to get in. Try it a few times and you can. I failed in the initial attempts. But is it worth it? The things is some great contributions by folks and they need a place to type it and that happens to be TBHP. I have an analogy - like Anna team said - We believe in the parliament but not parliamentarians. He it is different. We believe in the contributors and not in the site moderators. Dont tell me that the site is great because of the moderators! Bad words / language can be deleted anyway. I dont agree to deleting healthy debate / arguments just because one is on the other side. I dont see old timers in there and its just the nex gen sub 100 post guys posting and praising/thanking the above Narottam Puri of TBHP not aware of whats lurking! They will learn soon...
if you think there are instances where moderation is needed, feel free to report posts. you cannot expect the mods there to be proactive with so many posts :)

heck, i cant accuse anyone of spamming to be a d bhpian, because I dont have the moral authority myself :D
I have reported it greenhorn. After all this - its like losing your best friend and its hard. Its just the feeling that "I am a good guy and feel so much an important constituent of the site" and the moderator feels I am a trouble maker!!! Ego or whatever you call it - but its tough to take it. Maybe I am too sensitive, maybe I was too involved in the site and some times hours logged in there and then the bubble burst. Just because of a handful individuals! which is sad.
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