Car & Bike Anyone is member in TEAM-BHP

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I've tried 3 times now... no luck no matter how much i elaborate, they still deny it :@

Gave up trying, I thought i'd post My CarPC setup that i am trying to do in the next month, but what the heck, Techenclave would suffice.
Member there, same id. Tried only once and I got approved. Don't remember there being a long time till I could freely post. Don't remember being a suck-up in the registration form, just was myself. I think sometimes being frank helps, and it helps to do that with a smile (a person reading can usually tell whether the writer was smiling, as long as the grammar is correct). It was under moderation, for sure, but that didn't weigh me down - everywhere you start new, you start from scratch. I'm not one to notice any of that, no ego to speak of. The mods may be a little more uptight than other places, but it's the nature of that community. If one doesn't like it, they're free to leave.

Frankly, (and this is not an aspersion on the mods here, just an observation) TE is mildly undermoderated and thus we have some issues with the quality of posts - specially in language and comprehension. However, my assumption is that the average tech-gadget owner is far younger than the average car owner, and some gap in maturity and experience may be expected.

So... posts like this....are actually quite poor taste and if someone cares, it's not such a bad thing.

And let's be fair, there are enough users who have been banned from various forums (or left of their own volition) that have differing viewpoints on who was right and who was wrong. I have myself ejected from a forum where things were getting very nasty, and I blame the mods for that incident. Not because they were interfering, but because they were not. On their part, they will have their own tales which blame me for the impasse. So there are enough stories on each side of the pond.

But that is how life is.

Now can we move on from forum-bashing and go back to discussing tech?
Member there. Same username! But I am not at all regular there... I rarely login as all that is available to members is also available to non members!! :P
You are right, boss. I am extremely sorry. Mods: Please delete all my posts here. I should not have written all that. This is not a bashing thread. It was just asking about if there were any one else in TE who is also at TBHP. I dont know why I had to write all that. Sorry once again.
Long time member there with same user id but don't post actively. I feel TBHP is over moderated. The forum has some valuable info but the environment is school like. Especially GTO's behavior is like Zaminders.

I like Gearheads :)
new threads in t-bhp minus travelogues ain't that good anymore

also in most of the threads, only starting post is valuable after that people only praise original post and never have any value to add!!!

eg read GTO's review of Hyundai EON. There are 7 pages till now but only two initial post are worth reading!

t-bhp is not a discussion forum!!!
13 tries still not got membership to post.

Hence i left it all together.Though while searching and finding answer forum is good no doubt.

But when you want to contribute or need further answer it makes no sense that INTERNET being part to share they themselves looks like racists as you are an untouchable to post.
I can access all the info without registering in TBHP. So was happy.

Tried registering few months back. got rejected.

So now surfing the site as non member as before. :D
greenhorn said:
I learnt from a *very* reliable source that this is not so any more. Earlier, instead of rejecting, they would grant limited rights which would let the users login, but not post. such users get these errors. Now they just reject, and the user can re apply using the same email ID , and hopefully, a more conformant application

What is this?? some sort of boarding school where only the best can apply?? That is absolute BS!! This is what is wrong with us indians.. They presume everybody to be idiots and spammers until proven otherwise while they themselves forget that they were also new to the site some time ago.. Absolute narcissism to the extreme!!!
Guys join A bunch of disgruntled TBHP member founded the frorum. The forum is good with an airy atmosphere. Content may not be as good as TBHP but you have a platform to discuss your problem with lots of auto enthusiasts.
they are very choosy these days. I keep bugging them that they're losing out on a good number of good users. But dont think its gonna change.

as others have mentioned. there is always gearheads and our own auto zone:)
I'm there with the same user id. What attracted me towards Team-BHP was the interest taken by members to upload detailed, high quality photos of their cars. One rarely finds a bad quality pic on Team-BHP.

What I don't like is the restrictive moderation in some cases. While it seems to have eased off to some extent, I keep on seeing warnings to, restriction on no.of of smilies etc. That has earned them some ridicule over the years and I think it's time they listened to other people's opinions and removed these rules. They may have been relevant in one single case some time back but it's not good to generally apply these rules especially when so many people disagree with them on this.

Also, despite their attempts, I do see a lot of bad grammar on Team-BHP as well eg: "definately" instead of "definitely", "bumber" instead of "bumper" etc. I came across what seemed to be a nice alternative to Team-BHP i.e. some time back but I did not get the time to investigate the site thoroughly.
I tried being a member three times and on the last attempt gave them a harsh beating.Forum is good but the moderation and getting into it even tougher than clearing IAS .
Sometimes it reminds me of a lame ass pride community. The moderation and the childish ass kissing gets extreme there quite often. Noobs and neo rich just have their own gangs.

Nevertheless they do have some members who are genuinely helpful and some articles are contributed with a lot of details.
They have changed their motto from auto forum to writers forum,They dont want auto lovers they need script writers.Anyway gearheads is enough for me.
i am there and one of the first people there, i guess i did help them get a lot of members but now its lame,
i remember you Jesal.. seen quite a few posts from you there.

now i think TBhp has got too diluted.. i've lost track of the number of idiots i've seen who have some pathetic el cheapo mag wheel shod cars who drive around like suicidal morons with the Team bhp stickers on their bumpers. Yet most of these jerks will show off their cars on the forum and talk about safety..

In fact one of these idiots has a blue Getz in my residential complex! ROFL
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