Anyone wants to get stuff from U.S.?

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Okay,I'll try to get the DVDs.From here on:only video cards,processors,ram,other mobile stuff etc.Things that are small&light and can be passed thru customs.If I have to pay customs(there is only so far contacts can help!),everyone loses,especially me!
Delhi,from now on minimum order=$150.As I said only small items.The 7600Gt is going for $170 on newegg.(getting one for my bro or will give him my 6800Gs and keep the 7600!LOL,I'm sick!)No takers?I can bring a couple of those w/o probelm given their size.
Well I need these two orders confirmed before I make any more commitments-please understand that I need to make something here,so unless I get net orders of about $1000-2000 b4 April 20th,I may have to call it off or increase my cut.

I'll be very honest-it doesn't make sense for me to make less than $200!

Anything less and its not worth the hassle.Remember money here has 1/10th its actual value in India.

So Sandy,I'll let u know by next week and hopefully I will be able to bring it.
hey undertaker... pls do think abt my PM too... sorry couldnt cut the original deal. but i`m can pay for what i want in that PM. .so lemme know if you dont mind shipping it :)


PS - i`m in for dvd`s tooo though.. atleast 50 TY ... so that can add up to the list of items which i already want :)
deejay said:
Hi Techhead,
what is the brand name under which these TY discs are sold.?? i remember you had mentioned this @ my place.

"That's". Only in Asia though, not in Europe or the US.. there you only get OEM TY discs or rebadged ones.
Thanks TechHead.
in Bangkok i saw many of this "That's" brand in stores , i thought these must be some chinese stuff:no: ....i kept askng for TY discs and nobody had them ....:(
deejay said:
Thanks TechHead.
in Bangkok i saw many of this "That's" brand in stores , i thought these must be some chinese stuff:no: ....i kept askng for TY discs and nobody had them ....:(

Shit! Next time you go, remember the brand name, and just ensure that it says "Made In Japan" on the packaging. That's all "that's" needed to confirm.
hey, posting here cause your inbox is full....

First time someone is delaying collecting money :P

Comeon, confirm.....should I transfer?
And, btw, if you're ordering everything from egg, wouldnt the shipping cost go down? ;)
Okay, uptil now I have not received any confirmation from either Safin or Shahbaaz!I am hoping that people will use this opportunity and grab a few X1800XTs($288 newegg!),7600/7900Gts,overclocker rams etc.!

If I do not receive those orders and/or orders totaling atleast a grand,the whole thing is off!

Please email me at The PM is a pain in the butt!
Hi Undertaker,

I have sent a detailed e-mail to you with a subject "Reg: Anyone wants to get stuff from U.S.? (@ TechEnclave)" kindly check them out and get me back with your reply.

I am awaiting a positive reply from your side!

- Dreamchaser
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