Update: A lot of people asked me to tell them the serial number of the phone. Upon some search, I found that the serial no. is printed on the SIM card tray. Here it is: 869428313NP
Genuine Apple iPhone 3GS 16GB Black available for purchase. Selling it on behalf of my cousin.
My cousin brought it for his younger brother from abroad, but he doesn't want a hi-end phone. Me neither have any use of it as I have company provided phone, so it's up for grabs.
Pics. I posted here are of the actual iPhone offered here. Any abberrations that you may see in the pics is just due to my inability to take good quality pictures, there's nothing wrong with the iPhone
It's almost in New condition. Original wall charger and USB cable are included with it. These accessories are unused. iPhone is laminated on the back. Screen it spot free too.
iPhone is locked, so it's up to the buyer to unlock it. I don't know how to do it but a friend told me it's fairly easy to do so following the instructions available on the web.
Though, I'd prefer that the buyer comes and picks it up personally, I can ship within India as long as the buyer's shipping location provides hasslefree shipping options (e.g., I heard that shipping to West Bengal is not easy due to some government regulations). Shipping costs to be born by the buyer.
Genuine Apple iPhone 3GS 16GB Black available for purchase. Selling it on behalf of my cousin.
My cousin brought it for his younger brother from abroad, but he doesn't want a hi-end phone. Me neither have any use of it as I have company provided phone, so it's up for grabs.
Pics. I posted here are of the actual iPhone offered here. Any abberrations that you may see in the pics is just due to my inability to take good quality pictures, there's nothing wrong with the iPhone
It's almost in New condition. Original wall charger and USB cable are included with it. These accessories are unused. iPhone is laminated on the back. Screen it spot free too.
iPhone is locked, so it's up to the buyer to unlock it. I don't know how to do it but a friend told me it's fairly easy to do so following the instructions available on the web.
Though, I'd prefer that the buyer comes and picks it up personally, I can ship within India as long as the buyer's shipping location provides hasslefree shipping options (e.g., I heard that shipping to West Bengal is not easy due to some government regulations). Shipping costs to be born by the buyer.