Storage requirements can vary quite a bitSaw this yday. Not surprised. Great stuff by Apple ! 20 hours of streaming video playback - that's beats an iPad.
But... 256 gb of storage, eh.
Currently sitting on 2 tb SSDs on my laptop. Can't really do with such low storage.
At one point I used to feel that even 2TB of storage is inadequate
Now I am comfortable with even 128 on a laptop - No really!
I moved multimedia storage to a LAN server almost a decade ago.
Documents - probably a few GB
Outlook PST - maybe another 5?
Photos - probably a few hundred GB - but I let iCloud manage that so local (i.e. recent pics) occupy only maybe 20? - I do keep a local copy of my pics on the network storage but that's probably out of paranoia than anything else
Other than avid gamers or multimedia professionals - I am genuinely surprised when I hear people say that they need tonnes of storage on a mobile device
But personally, I have been sticking to the lowest storage option available with phones/ tablets /laptops for several years now - and have never felt shortchanged
Well, except maybe a 16GB iPhone 6 I had