He got what he deserved. There will always be people who'll scream how this is unfair, how others like milosevic and co had enough time to die of old age before their verdicts, yet these very same people would have started cribbing that the US had not executed Saddam because they were torturing him/ lazy/ afraid of backlash/ some dumbassed mullah would claim something else.
The US are fighting a war to stop the third world war in my opinion. If extremist Islam is allowed to flourish we all know what will happen.
What needs to be done is that the US should systematically take out rogue states like Pigistan and the like. Paklets should be easy to kill, just turn off their aid tap and watch Mr Suckit Aziz go crawling to his daddy sitting in beijing. After piggies the Saudis should be next. However that can only be achieved in a period where we've got over our dependance on oil so there should be a 10-12 year gap.
End of my moronic rants. good nighr.