Arab media:Saddam executed!!

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Not that i like Saddam or anything.But this whole trial and execution and all the drama was a joke IMHO.Had the Iraqi people themselves done it,its ok,but sadly i dont think thats the case.
As far as I can gather from news reports, the entire trial was a joke with the verdict decided even before the court proceedings took place. Seems three of Saddam's defense lawyers were murdered during the trial. Whats the difference between a US controlled Iraq and any Banana Republic then :@. I do agree that Saddam deserves heavy punishment but capital punishment without a proper trial is uncalled for.
Its just a case of unfair means to a fair end. Only thing that can be of concern is if today US can manipulate for a fair end, then tomm it might manipulate for a unfair motive.
Banish Bush. He's the biggest threat to the American people and also to the rest of the world.

Can the CIA Read This??? :0
He got what he deserved. There will always be people who'll scream how this is unfair, how others like milosevic and co had enough time to die of old age before their verdicts, yet these very same people would have started cribbing that the US had not executed Saddam because they were torturing him/ lazy/ afraid of backlash/ some dumbassed mullah would claim something else.
The US are fighting a war to stop the third world war in my opinion. If extremist Islam is allowed to flourish we all know what will happen.

What needs to be done is that the US should systematically take out rogue states like Pigistan and the like. Paklets should be easy to kill, just turn off their aid tap and watch Mr Suckit Aziz go crawling to his daddy sitting in beijing. After piggies the Saudis should be next. However that can only be achieved in a period where we've got over our dependance on oil so there should be a 10-12 year gap.

End of my moronic rants. good nighr.
Now IRAQ will be :jason: into 3 pieces :food4:
  1. Siya
  2. Sunney
  3. Petroleum zone
Hope, you can guess who will get what :|

Whose who think that he was punished for his crime....... TWO questions -

He was punished as he killed hundreds own Iraqi people.

Then, why he was not charged for killing thousands of Quet people while the 1st war ?

Why he was not charged under International court, but under America-Iraq court where his crime was war crime ?

Even Hitlar's associates were charged under International court
@ CIA : I am not a supporter of Saddam.
(I know CIA agent will go through this page atleast once)
I will try to explain.

First of all, the "quet" war. Not many "quetians" were killed. And even those who died, it was a war. A meaningless war maybe, but a war nonetheless.

In the other situations, he killed his own country men on the SUSPICION that they supported the people who tried to kill him. No proof mark you. ONLY SUSPICION.

That includes all women and children too even if they looked upon him as their saviour, he killed them all.

"Hitlaaar" killed Jews all across Yurop. So, it was an international crime.

And the "siyas" and "sunneys" will continue to fight coz no one from either side has tried to make peace. And the "siyas" will continue to get support from Iran. (wonder how to misspell that :P )

And the CIA has already gone through this page. They emailed me and asked me my views. I told them Bush was a dumass and told them to mind their own business and not get distracted from funding the ISI.
Actually no.... Saddam is just an excuse.

The Sunnis are in a minority in Iraq but they still want powers. But the Shias who were really trodden upon during Saddam's reign wont give them power.

So, now the Sunnis who want to stoke up the civil war will just take Saddam's name. I dont think they actually loved him that much.
The same person who gassed his own people....hmph! And they go through the whole court drama, what a waste of money, he's become a matyr now.

Should have shot him like a dog right at the place where he was found and finished it right then and there.
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