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The following might seem strange to most:

I would like to be genetically engineered in such a way that I become completely asexual. I'd rather get my pleasure from taking some relatively safe drug (something that's yet to be synthesised, something unlike heroin) than from someone else's body, directly or indirectly. Being a heterosexual male, I'm obviously attracted to women. But I wish I weren't. No, I do not wish I were gay. I just wish I didn't have any sexual feelings at all. And no, I'm not going to castrate myself (and then be ostracised by society), physically or chemically, in order to achieve that end.

I do not like being attracted to anyone. It sort of puts the person you're attracted to on a higher pedestal, especially when they're not attracted to you at all (I know this is more an argument from my own ego than from rationality, but the satisfaction of my ego is fundamental to my happiness) . It distorts objectivity. You tend to judge people based on their physical beauty rather than objectively.

One might argue that sexuality is wonderful and is the basis for a lot of art, music, literature etc. But there are a lot of other things in life that can spawn art, music and so forth. I'd rather give sex a miss.

Have any of you ever thought anything along these lines?

Of course, all of this is hypothetical. I still like hot chicks and beer.

* Yes, I do realise this is a pretty weird thing to talk about.
What's wrong with you dude :O

A drug that would work on your neurological pleasure centers to produce the same (or even better) feelings that sex does would be a more convenient option than investing your time in another human (if that investment is primarily motivated by sexual desire) . Even virtual sex simulation machines would be nice. I could bang several hot chicks at once without bothering about any negative repercussions.

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How old are you ?

20+ and I've engaged in sexual activity. So, I hope no one tells me that I don't know how good it feels. I know how good it feels and that's precisely the point.

Basically I think it'd be nice to reduce my dependence on other people as much as possible (and no, jerking off isn't a good enough solution).
Some mod/admin please get IP log and check if he is Being.Smart.I'm pretty sure he is the one.
Some mod/admin please get IP log and check if he is Being.Smart.I'm pretty sure he is the one.

What's wrong with all you people? Who the hell is this Being.Smart guy? Yes, please check my IP and reveal to everyone that I am NOT smarty pants.

I haven't watched the video but is this a case of apotemnophilia (the desire to be amputated which has a fairly well understood neurological basis behind it) ? I've watched the neurologist V.S. Ramachandran talk quite a bit about it.
OinkBoink, I'm enjoying your little rants. I'm sure many members will accuse you of many things, but please don't stop as long as you don't violate the rules. I don't post here about anything other than tech, so I won't indulge you in discussion, but just wanted to show you my support.
The following might seem strange to most:

I would like to be genetically engineered in such a way that I become completely asexual. I'd rather get my pleasure from taking some relatively safe drug (something that's yet to be synthesised, something unlike heroin) than from someone else's body, directly or indirectly. Being a heterosexual male, I'm obviously attracted to women. But I wish I weren't. No, I do not wish I were gay. I just wish I didn't have any sexual feelings at all. And no, I'm not going to castrate myself (and then be ostracised by society), physically or chemically, in order to achieve that end.

I do not like being attracted to anyone. It sort of puts the person you're attracted to on a higher pedestal, especially when they're not attracted to you at all (I know this is more an argument from my own ego than from rationality, but the satisfaction of my ego is fundamental to my happiness) . It distorts objectivity. You tend to judge people based on their physical beauty rather than objectively.

One might argue that sexuality is wonderful and is the basis for a lot of art, music, literature etc. But there are a lot of other things in life that can spawn art, music and so forth. I'd rather give sex a miss.

Have any of you ever thought anything along these lines?

Of course, all of this is hypothetical. I still like hot chicks and beer.

* Yes, I do realise this is a pretty weird thing to talk about.

Lots of relationships fail because of inequality in attraction/love/commitment between partners. We keep looking because there is hope of an emotional pay-off at the end (And we do see examples of that around us). I think I can understand why one might want to take that out of the equation completely.

There is still a debate on whether asexuality is physiological or not. Have you considered what it is in your case? Is it something behavioral or is it something cognitive?

Do you feel the same towards all social relationships or just romantic ones? Have you looked into this?

Attachment in adults - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(This isn't a just-got-dumped-so-drunk-thread is it? :P)

Some mod/admin please get IP log and check if he is Being.Smart.I'm pretty sure he is the one.

The OP has some thought behind it. It also has proper punctuation and grammar, which alone rules out the OP being Being.Smart.
Oh come on man! :(

Not another senseless topic for discussion. I shouldn't have approved your first post/thread.
Oh come on man! :(

Not another senseless topic for discussion. I shouldn't have approved your first post/thread.

My topics were :

1.) Do you think classroom teaching of purely theoretical subjects is outdated?
2.) Have you ever experienced hatred from others for speaking English ?
3.) What would the legal ramifications of this hypothetical situation be?
4.) Asexuality
5.) A rational dialogue on suicide and suicide laws.

I can't see how any of these topics are senseless especially when you see many people talking about pizzas and shoes here. If you do not approve of my threads you are at the liberty to not post in them or just ignore them. I know I've posted a lot of threads in a very short time but this is a very temporary thing. I'm a little free now, so I'm able to post stuff. Also, I'm using these forums after several years so I feel a little chatty.

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There is still a debate on whether asexuality is physiological or not. Have you considered what it is in your case? Is it something behavioral or is it something cognitive?

I'm not asexual. I wish I were.

Do you feel the same towards all social relationships or just romantic ones? Have you looked into this?

I feel this way towards sexual relationships and all the drama/crap they entail.

(This isn't a just-got-dumped-so-drunk-thread is it? :P)

It's more an I-dont-want-to-pick-her-up-and-dump-her-again thread.
Im kind-off trying the point OP was trying to make, its an interesting topic for discussion. So, should not be locked or closed.

OP is by any chance the latest rape episodes working at the back of your mind ? Or have you been considering this for sometime now ?

A novel solution for an Asexual state is "Mind control". Without any drug or Hormone. Therefore no side affects.

Humans beings are engineered to pass on the genes, procreation & sex are basic instincts, its difficult to contain. But again powers of mind can do anything...
OP is by any chance the latest rape episodes working at the back of your mind ? Or have you been considering this for sometime now ?

The rape episodes have nothing to do with this. I've thought of this stuff for years.

A novel solution for an Asexual state is "Mind control". Without any drug or Hormone. Therefore no side affects.

Humans beings are engineered to pass on the genes, procreation & sex are basic instincts, its difficult to contain. But again powers of mind can do anything...

As I said earlier, this approach would be like trying to hold my pee in for too long.
This is actually a good topic. At times, I wish for the same thing. Is it so weird? I think not. Asexuality might be rare, but it does exist and there are groups supporting the same in the US.

Why is castration not an option? I understand that if it has huge social, physiological and psychological implications, but if your mind is set on it, then why not?
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Why is castration not an option? I understand that if it has huge social, physiological and psychological implications, but if your mind is set on it, then why not?

Already answered this in my OP. Physiological implications aside, society will ostracise you.
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