AstroTalk - a fraud?

(Sorry for the long post. You can skip through the highlighted parts to get the gist)

In case of astrology its always 0 or 100% trust based on who you ask. :p
It is 100% accurate 0.1% of the time :D

Astrology is base on Ganana i.e. lots of Maths, Critical Calculations...
The fact that 4 of the 9 Nava-GRAHAS in astrology aren't even grahas (planets) is enough to realize how made up the entire thing is. Rahu & Ketu aren't even physical objects, they're just the points where the orbits of earth and moon intersect virtually in the sky. Useful for predicting eclipses, not much else.

If you go to doctor with erectile dysfunction and he prescribed you viagra without considering other factors & you got heart attack after consuming it, than is that that Doctor is fake... no..
Actually, yes. Patient history is an important part to determine what/what not to prescribe. Only quacks will try to randomly prescribe meds without much thought.
Something like lactose intolerance is not even an issue here coz cow milk is most probably the 2nd thing that any newborn here drinks, and if there is severe adverse reaction, uneducated folk will just blame the death on horoscope/bad luck/previous life's sins and move on without investigating the true cause.

Also note that at time, if 100,000 child born and if all of their Ganana (Calculations) came same, then the prediction either 100% suite to one only or may get divided over 100,000
The point is the "planets" are not only having an actual effect on people on earth, but also only selectively on a few of them, which is entirely dependent on time of birth. Yeah sure...AI powered smart planets are messing with everyday life

Just like if I visit Road Side /Fake Doctor and keep blaming all Doctors, it's not right. If you visit certain areas/villages in India, there are 99% Bogus Doctors and if you fade up with one and approach others (but fake doctor) than will you get good treatments and than you label that all Doctors in every corner is nothing but .... is it right?
You can sue doctors for medical malpractise. Can you sue any of these "legit" astrologers that you mention, if their predictions don't come true? Did they have to prove the accuracy of their predictions to a council before being allowed to practise it?

Even a best/expert Doctor some time unable to save or treat 10% in his life time, but it doesn't mean, he failed
May be the medicine was less effective because the patient was born at a less auspicios time? /s

If the intended effect is not seen, the doc will always be open to increasing dosage or switching meds altogether. They will never make excuses like "buy this ring from me else you will die", or "you need to pray harder", or "you were born in an inauspicious time so you are suffering". That is the difference between science and pseudo science.

I also didn't read/study Vedas etc. but in my community my elders have learn and thus they believe it, may be you are from different communities and don't know about it than it's not issue, but is issue when you don't know and just give Tark/Ku-Tark.
Is there any mention of internet/phones/electricity/TV/cars/airplanes/computers in those texts?

If yes, why didn't they invent stuff using their knowledge that would benefit everyone?

If no, how did they consent to you using modern tech from beyond the grave? Aren't you insulting their memory?


Here's an actual example that I want you to think about: in the constellation of Ursa Major aka Sapta Rishi Mandala, the second star from the "tail/handle" is a double star. The bright one is Vasishta/Mizar and the dimmer companion is his wife Arundhati/Alcor


In some places it is a wedding tradition for the new couple to be shown these stars which represent "always staying close together, no matter what". All well and good right?

Look at Vasishta, the brighter, "male" star through a telescope and you will see that it is not a single star, but a binary system of 2 stars orbiting each other. Take an even bigger telescope, attach a spectroscope and you will see that each of those binaries are in turn a binary system - so Vasishta is actually 4 stars!

Meanwhile Arundhati itself is a binary system of 2 stars. So the ideal couple according to religious tradition is actually a combo of 2 females + 4 males. You still think your ancestors omniscient and knew exactly what they were talking about?

A doctor will always try to be positive. Because negative will send you into a downward spiral. And this happens because these days people see the doctor like some god. Like the faith healers of the past.
If someone prank calls you and tells you your parent/spouse/child is in danger, you will automatically panic regardless of whether it is actually true or not. Your mind has the power to make it feel real - it might be a lie, but you will still feel real emotions. Mind over matter.

We can all be easily manipulated. This is what happens regardless of doctor/therapist vs astrologer. The difference is one is based on a constantly evolving branch of science while the other is a pseudo science that hasn't changed for millenia.

Oh, and you might be interested in my previous point as well ;)
You can sue doctors for medical malpractise. Can you sue any of these "legit" astrologers that you mention, if their predictions don't come true? Did they have to prove the accuracy of their predictions to a council before being allowed to practise it?
Not after 2006 you cannot. There is a simple reason. It keeps insurance costs down. This is Indian thinking.
If someone prank calls you and tells you your parent/spouse/child is in danger, you will automatically panic regardless of whether it is actually true or not. Your mind has the power to make it feel real - it might be a lie, but you will still feel real emotions. Mind over matter.

We can all be easily manipulated. This is what happens regardless of doctor/therapist vs astrologer. The difference is one is based on a constantly evolving branch of science while the other is a pseudo science that hasn't changed for millenia.
Such is the power of suggestion

Social engineer like hackers, confidence tricksters & magicians have to master it
Oh, and you might be interested in my previous point as well ;)
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Not after 2006 you cannot. There is a simple reason. It keeps insurance costs down. This is Indian thinking.
I guess this is just an antique policy on sale for its historic value then.
I love, no, I envy just how confident you are even when you're incorrect!

The thing is some maladies/injuries are beyond saving. All the docs can do in that case is to reduce the pain to ease their passing. But people want a guarantee that paying money = saving life no matter what, else get sued. Ignoring a doc's prowess for a second, the added anxiety about the possibly being sued for even trying to help is detrimental for everyone - docs may choose to ignore serious cases just to avoid getting sued. Is that what you want your doc to be thinking about when you are seeking help after a bad accident?

Instead, we should start suing these astrologers when their predictions don't come true and send them to jail. That will quickly weed out the fakes, and bring the so called legit ones to light. (There are no legit ones since the concept itself is arbitrary)

Such is the power of suggestion

Social engineer like hackers, confidence tricksters & magicians have to master it
Precisely! These astrologers have been controlling YOUR life since even before your parents got married. They decided when they should wed, bed, what to name you, which education is best for you, etc., etc.

The link you posted of course, didn't you read it? You seem to think sex positivity is a thing of the west. You forget India was way more open than other civilizations, heck we wrote the Kama Sutra. It's funny that people only refer to Vedas and ignore all other texts. Almost like they just want a good excuse to meddle in others' life rather than something that would make themselves happy.

Isn't it funny that in a wedding someone spends hours chanting hymns in a language the bride and the groom don't even understand, but they won't give basic sex ed to them, even though it is part of our culture but was later shunned by invading rulers?

The truth is you would rather point out the "bad" in more successful countries and claim you'd rather not do it because "it IS aGAInst OuR cUltURe". Look up how ISRO treated it's manual labourers when Covid first hit. It was essentially forced labour. No need to play the morality card when everyone has a dark underbelly.
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I guess this is just an antique policy on sale for its historic value then.
I love, no, I envy just how confident you are even when you're incorrect!
I guess the protection introduced in 2005 was from frivolous lawsuits then. From the IE article, it's still in force

Doctors, however, are already protected from criminal proceedings in deaths resulting from actions done in good faith for the benefit of the patient with their consent.

Section 88 of the IPC — and now clause 26 of BNS – clarifies: “A, a surgeon, knowing that a particular operation is likely to cause the death of Z, who suffers under the painful complaint, but not intending to cause Z’s death, and intending, in good faith, Z’s benefit, performs that operation on Z, with Z’s consent. A has committed no offence.”
You need to show malpractice occurred. How feasible do you think that is?

The thing is some maladies/injuries are beyond saving. All the docs can do in that case is to reduce the pain to ease their passing. But people want a guarantee that paying money = saving life no matter what, else get sued.
Bingo! I spent so much, lost whomever now I want my money back. This option is no longer available.
Ignoring a doc's prowess for a second, the added anxiety about the possibly being sued for even trying to help is detrimental for everyone - docs may choose to ignore serious cases just to avoid getting sued. Is that what you want your doc to be thinking about when you are seeking help after a bad accident?
I have a cousin in the US. To talk to her for 5 minutes costs $250. Half of that is what she has to pay for insurance against malpractice lawsuits. This is what I meant by keeping insurance costs down. We don't have any of this nonsense here.
Instead, we should start suing these astrologers when their predictions don't come true and send them to jail. That will quickly weed out the fakes, and bring the so called legit ones to light. (There are no legit ones since the concept itself is arbitrary)
Someone has definitely tried and failed. This then set a precedent and so the practice continues.
Precisely! These astrologers have been controlling YOUR life since even before your parents got married. They decided when they should wed, bed, what to name you, which education is best for you, etc., etc.
I don't use any :)
The link you posted of course, didn't you read it? You seem to think sex positivity is a thing of the west.
You're misunderstanding. I gave three examples of how either new inventions, fields of study or fundamental theories came about by people who belived in things you shouldn't be.

I thought my flow of thought was clear there. No intention to talk about sex at all. Just pointing out occult beliefs of someone who was America's father of solid fuel rocketry. Who could have gone further if it wasn't for an accident in an incredibly dangerous field.

That was a write up for a Netflix series. When I first came across the article I was just blown away

The truth is you would rather point out the "bad" in more successful countries and claim you'd rather not do it because "it IS aGAInst OuR cUltURe". Look up how ISRO treated it's manual labourers when Covid first hit. It was essentially forced labour. No need to play the morality card when everyone has a dark underbelly.
No idea where this rant came from.
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I guess the protection introduced in 2005 was from frivolous lawsuits then. From the IE article, it's still in force
There's a difference between someone breaking your ribs in a street fight vs a doc accidentally breaking them while performing CPR to resuscitate you

OR cutting open your windpipe to attach a ventilator if you're unable to breathe on your own

One is trying to hurt you, whereas the other is trying to help you. It is a subtle but important distinction, which is what the law seeks to address. If medically cutting a person to perform a procedure amounts to a criminal act, then obviously they will start performing surgery. And they can do so only if it is medically justifiable, not on a whim.

You need to show malpractice occurred. How feasible do you think that is?
More feasible than proving astrologers are fakes, where random people start supporting them just because they are conditioned to follow tradition.

I have a cousin in the US. To talk to her for 5 minutes costs $250. Half of that is what she has to pay for insurance against malpractice lawsuits. This is what I meant by keeping insurance costs down. We don't have any of this nonsense here.
Why was an Indian hired by a US hospital? Coz it was cheaper
Why did your cousin leave her home and literally fly to the other side of the planet? More money, better infrastructure, etc.
Why don't people here sue for medical malpractise?
  • Because they know they wasted too much time listening to faith healers and it was too late when they took the patient to an actual doc
  • They are ignorant of the protections the law offers
  • They are ignorant of how actual science works, after being subjugated to senseless traditions from the moment of their birth
PS: I'm not a blind believer in doctors just because they're a doctor; I've seen them act stupid as often as they've caught something smartly. For example a long time ago, a doc saw my phone's wallpaper of me on my bike with snowcapped mountains of the Himalayas. He asked if my helmet provided me oxygen as well.
He didn't consider the fact that bikes need air to burn fuel to produce power.

Like everything, it all comes down to the individual person.

Also hospital industry is a big scam in the US: if you aren't covered by medical insurance, you are S.C.R.E.W.E.D. You're gonna go broke paying for the smallest service.

Someone has definitely tried and failed. This then set a precedent and so the practice continues.
Ok prove it. One can claim anything as long as one is not held accountable. Just like them ;)

I don't use any :)
Good :)

No idea where this rant came from.
You're misunderstanding. I gave three examples of how either new inventions, fields of study or fundamental theories came about by people who belived in things you shouldn't be. .... Just pointing out occult beliefs of someone who was America's father of solid fuel rocketry
That's where it came from: their space related achievements had nothing to do with their personal beliefs/practises. And let's not forget about how we treated our own pioneer of rocket tech.
If ISRO doesn't
  • let filmakers shoot footage of OUR rockets and prefers they show Russian rockets instead
  • broadcast HD on board footage
  • broadcast detailed telemetry of launches
you can bet there's more that we will never be privy to