Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread


Help me out! My router suddenly went into this mode:

It just blinks with a great pause. And I am out of clue as how to revive it. Its not even responding to pings or anything.

Thanks in advance.
Did you tried resetting ? There is a small inject button at bottom of Router you need to press that button as in you put the power cable and then hold that button for 20 seconds then power off remove power cable wait for 2 minutes and start again.If it does not comes then welcome to the brick world.
dinjo said:
Did you tried resetting ? There is a small inject button at bottom of Router you need to press that button as in you put the power cable and then hold that button for 20 seconds then power off remove power cable wait for 2 minutes and start again.If it does not comes then welcome to the brick world.

Can I get it RMA'ed in that case?

Help me guys. I am unable to set it up in repeater mode??? Want to use torrent with hdd on usb port on repeater mode. Plz help I have tried all the steps mentioned in dd-wrt wiki.

on asus firmware it was giving 256 error of device not connected properly in whichever mode(router , ap or repeater) i try. Tried hdd and pen drive in fat32, ntfs and ext3 format.

Ftp page was opening fine.

anyone has setup backup of this router in repeater mode.
vivek.krishnan said:
Mostly its stuck in flash mode. But if you can, try to use the ASUS utilities and reflash it.

If not, give it for RMA, skip ASUS as they will do all sorts of testing on it. Go directly to Rashi.

Yeah I am planning to do that. Who is the guys for Rashi in Pune? Can you point me to a page?

HI guys .I have an 8gb pen drive. Can anyone tell me what format and how many partitions I need to create to use it with my B1 router??

I am on build 18007.. Please help me..

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Installed the third party dddwrt from amitg0123 with built in fs support.. All partitions mounted. In Services->USB its showing this

Disk Info

--- /dev/discs/disc0/disc

Block device, size 7.521 GiB (8076132352 bytes)

DOS/MBR partition map

Partition 1: 1.003 GiB (1077479424 bytes, 2104452 sectors from 63)

Type 0x83 (Linux)

Ext2 file system

UUID 5A5A4C72-6B34-4001-B4A3-6CE224E2DC07 (DCE, v4)

Volume size 1.003 GiB (1077477376 bytes, 263056 blocks of 4 KiB)

Partition 2: 6.511 GiB (6991488000 bytes, 13655250 sectors from 2104515)

Type 0x0B (Win95 FAT32)

FAT32 file system (hints score 5 of 5)

Volume size 6.499 GiB (6977839104 bytes, 1703574 clusters of 4 KiB)

Volume name ""

Status: Mounted on /opt

Status: Mounted on /opt

Are both partitions supposed to be mounted at /opt???
I have Rt N13U B1.. its very good and downloads torrents easily..

But I have a Question..

How to download Using HTTP? or from sites like Rapidshare, Megaupload etc.?

Is there any way?

Please help me out.

Thanks in advance.

Tried out pyLoad but it exits itself when I exit putty.

(posted this que in another thread on TE but no solution ) :(
Please help me. I downloaded some files using the transmission client. There are two partitions on my pen drive, both EXT2. When I installed Ext2fsd it can see only the first 1Gb partition. Second partition is not accessible.

All the data is on the 2nd partition. How to access the partition??
For http downloads use wget , or you also try aget and curl.


Format it with ext3 , why do you want to use ext2 ? Also in ext2fsd click on remove dead letter and mount the drive manually within ext2fsd it would be clashing with another drive letter.

Also if you want to go back to stock start router in recovery mode and flash the asus firmware using Asus Recovery Flash.
thanks for the info. I am able to access the pen drive now. Another problem came up . When I tried to start the transmission it is giving me this error, unable to access settings.json. when I tries to access the settings.Jason its saying permission denied.

I haven't changed anything. Just copied the files and rebooted the router.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk

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Got the transmission working again finally. How do I use the aget downloader???

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wget closes as soon as I exit the telnet.. Any auto downloader like the transmission daemon for downloading hhtp links??
pyload for scheduled , for installing aget run

ipkg install aget

And whenever you want the process to keep running run with a & at the end

wget [url][/url] &
dinjo said:
pyload for scheduled , for installing aget run

ipkg install aget

And whenever you want the process to keep running run with a & at the end

wget [url][/url] &

Installed aget. Its up and running. How to configure the default download folder and others for aget??