Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

dinjo said:
I dont see the ext3 modules installed there can you turn on the modem first let it connect to internet then start the router.
Modem was ON and even the asus router was properly connected to the Internet.

How do I install the ext3 modules?

anu0512 said:
@dinjo Hi, Is this possible to distributed the speed to any particular user ?

You'll need to figure out the iptables with mangle with different MAC Address , I heard its not 100% also there is a paid version $20 of DD-WRT which has bandwidth limiting capabilities.

PhotostarSR said:
Modem was ON and even the asus router was properly connected to the Internet.

How do I install the ext3 modules?


The modules are downloaded of net and installed from your startup script.Remove the line of rm from startup script and post the output of those files.
I don't know why but I have formed opinion that the router is not really stable with DDWRT. It shutdowns so often when idle without any clues. Guys please recommend as how do I make it stable? It will crash with USB Hub, with Reliance EC1262 and USB printer. I am really out of clue, do I go back to stock Asus firmware? is that stable? Any alternatives ? This is my first venture with DDWRT and am not happy with it. I never faced so much stability issue with Tomato. What gives?

Yup am using the latest beta image.
What beta image are you talking of?

The router has been stable for me I have also kept the router on for continuously for 5 days and I had no reboots.

Btw I wont be available for this entire week if someone has problem other members would be able to help.

And from next week I would be dropping my support for the router since I have got pogoplug pro expect a pogoplug thread soon from my side.
linuxtechie said:
I don't know why but I have formed opinion that the router is not really stable with DDWRT. It shutdowns so often when idle without any clues. Guys please recommend as how do I make it stable? It will crash with USB Hub, with Reliance EC1262 and USB printer. I am really out of clue, do I go back to stock Asus firmware? is that stable? Any alternatives ? This is my first venture with DDWRT and am not happy with it. I never faced so much stability issue with Tomato. What gives?

Yup am using the latest beta image.

Faced the same issue only when running more than 3 torrents together. But TBH have not used it with either of the three you mentioned. Going back to stock ASUS FW is useless as the Download master is total crap. AFAIK, DD WRT is quite stable, but not exactly rock stable. If it shutdowns a lot of times, try to see what extra services are being run.
dinjo said:
What beta image are you talking of?

The router has been stable for me I have also kept the router on for continuously for 5 days and I had no reboots.

Btw I wont be available for this entire week if someone has problem other members would be able to help.

And from next week I would be dropping my support for the router since I have got pogoplug pro expect a pogoplug thread soon from my side.

Expecting the same from you, as i would be getting one too via honest1. However, if you could just complete that teeny bit of FS support from the HDD rather than thru the net before you drop complete support, would be great.
dinjo said:
What beta image are you talking of?

The router has been stable for me I have also kept the router on for continuously for 5 days and I had no reboots.

Btw I wont be available for this entire week if someone has problem other members would be able to help.

And from next week I would be dropping my support for the router since I have got pogoplug pro expect a pogoplug thread soon from my side.

Can you share with me the image that you are using? I am using this one here:

And man it has been a butt pain ride so far.

I have also ordered one for me Pogo Pro, will have it in hand in some time :)

Get the previous version think its 16804.I have been able to run more than 40 torrents at a time check first page for screen
Well, with extreme difficulty i have got this to work and... another problem :(

I can view the Samba share on my Mac OSX Lion but cannot access the files. Itseems apple has removed the support for Samba :huh:

OS X Lion does not support logging into NAS boxes running Samba or AFP servers that employ the DHCAST128 authentication method. Apple documented this as a security update, in which they outright disabled DHCAST128 in Lion.

Mac OS X Lion Samba and AFP workarounds | frankly at a glance.

Surprisingly, i can access all my Windows PC's shares and also could access the HDD when attached to the RT-N13U with stock firmware! Isn't Windows and the stock Asus firmware using Samba/SMB for file sharing?

It looks like NFS is compatible with Lion and is also 30-40% faster than Samba!

Can i install NFS on DD-WRT and configure it to share the /mnt?

This is among the TOUGHEST mods i have every performed in last 12 years, though it looked simple in the start. Have spent sh!t lot of time and still no success. I wish, there were better tools to do this.

Other problems:

1. Samba shares are not visible (even on windows) when modem is restarted.

2. Transmission doesn't start even with the startup script that you gave.

3. USB HDD doesn't automatically mount everytime. I need to replug in the USB.

Oooffff!!! I wanted something robust and reliable...looks like i have come to the wrong place :huh:
PhotostarSR said:
Oooffff!!! I wanted something robust and reliable...looks like i have come to the wrong place :huh:

I can expect this since you come from Apple background where everything is expected on touch of a button :dizzy:

The problems mentioned by you are not there for other users just go through the thread again you are definitely missing some things, you can try and enable NFS by compiling kmod-nfs package but you will never ever get good speed on NFS on DD WRT compared to samba and i can vouch on it.You will need to change the mount location in your smb.conf which i had mentioned on first page if you want to access your /mnt partition or you could have just created a soft link which is also mentioned on first page.


Read your manuals when you start using a product , it supports EXT3 and FAT32.

EDIT- Modified settings.json most optimized for private trackers it gives max speed from transmission.Also add some more info on first page.
I am using the stock firmware, where do I change the DNS server settings? I am not able to open a few websites using the default router DNS settings.

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

I figured out how to change the DNS.. Can anyone please suggest some good DNS servers?? I am using BSNL broadband.
dear friends, is it possible to limit the internet speed for the wireless ? ( i want to limit the connected clients' internet speeds to max 50 KBps)

how can i do it ?

i'm going to buy asus rtn13u at the end of the month and flash it with dd-wrt,

please clarify these questions-

-can i stream media/movies to my tv(dlna supported) through wifi with a portable hard drive connected as source in the router?

-can i manage torrents through web ui(using cell phone)?

sorry if i'm off topic , i've no knowledge about routers, specially this stuff.

Both yes.

People should sending me PM's about this stuff I have already mentioned in the thread to post in the thread.