Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

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Check transmission preferences to change location of torrent folder.For accessing files either get samba running on router or use ext2fs to access directly into pc

tried to set there, but it always set default location which is /mnt/torrent/work
Is your modem set to Bridge Mode ?

dinjo, my modem is BSNL provided DNA-A201BEI Type 1 model, it got some confusing config/interface page. Don't know how to set the bridge mode. Before that they provided Huwai MT-882 which is very easy to config and Easy to read LED notification.

Did u try stopping transmission and then changing the preferences ? After changing preferences, re-start it.

Don't know.....Now Transmission don't allow me access web-interface.....It is denying everything or so...Router Reboot didn't help either.

Anyhow all download performed in 1 GB partition and rest 29 gb used as system drive. Using Ext2 volume manager in windows only mount 1GB partition only.
Post output of "fdisk -l"

To manually stop transmission, you can kill the pid of transmission daemon.
Login to router via ssh, do the following:
# ps x
Now, you have two columns, one of pid value and the corresponding process.
Find the number relevant to transmission-daemon and do:
# kill 12345
Replace 12345 with the pid value u found for the trans-daemon. This will definitely kill the transmission. Now go change the .json file of transmission daemon.
tried to set there, but it always set default location which is /mnt/torrent/work
I see your bigger drive is mounted on /tmp/mnt and i guess its something to do with dd wrt firmware and there is post on dd wrt on how to fix it , you need to path for transmission download folder to your mounted bigger drive
Help :
First I tried 16994, worked fine without any Wifi and Wired Connection problem, but unable to Use my 3G Modem.
Then installed 20453, Unable to use my 3G Modem and Facing Wired and Wifi Connection Problem.

1. Requested Stable Version to Flash ?
2. Can I download webflash.bin and downgrade ?
hey dinjo
i want to change my settings.json
but whenever i try to change it resets on every boot...
done doing with removing transmission at startup script, using shutdown script...
pls help
Think about it there is something which is changing the file right either its from startup script or you are not changing the file before stopping transmission or you are changing the different file there must be in /var/lib also and one in /home/root do ps -ef to find which one is being used
Done with it:)
Thanks dinjo
But there's one problem my router stays at 100% usage even only 1 torrent is downloading..
When I close transmission it comes down to 10%...
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