Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

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i'm not able to setup the FTP , i'm using firmware version 22118(i've also tried other version but still can't configure FTP)
Links on this guide are not working, i've used this for the optware-

wget -O - | tr -d '\r' > /tmp/
sh /tmp/

and ""Install xinetd, vsftpd, samba, webserver, pxe boot server, wget, nano, htop, dlq rapget" step gives an error(attaching pic)
Plus file "S80samba" file isn't created.

please tell if there is anything wrong with the startup/mount script.


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this is my output!!!!!!


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms <1 ms 1 ms ALAN []
2 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms
3 6 ms 6 ms 3 ms
4 8 ms 7 ms 8 ms []
5 * 18 ms 14 ms
6 * 34 ms 36 ms
7 35 ms * 188 ms
8 314 ms 39 ms 140 ms
9 162 ms 156 ms 153 ms []

Trace complete.

That looks like a work internet - is that right? Secondly, you will need to ask the ISP to do port forwarding.
Guys, I am using an older build 17027 in two of the N13U-B1 Routers.

Can't get them to bridge wirelessly!

I noticed the "client bridge" mode is just not present in the firmware. Which is a stable firmware to update to guys?
By using this firmware (DD-WRT) , Can this router be used a Load Balancing router ,like receiving internet from BSNL modem and other from USB dongle , download simultaneously from 2 different sources and do a switch over when one of them fails ?
By using this firmware (DD-WRT) , Can this router be used a Load Balancing router ,like receiving internet from BSNL modem and other from USB dongle , download simultaneously from 2 different sources and do a switch over when one of them fails ?

Yes, it will do round robin load balancing, but AFAIK, there are special builds available from tomato for the same.

I would suggest to instead use pfsense with a x86 machine for the same, you get loads of other options + SQUID!
i installed optware and transmission on my asus rtn13u b1 successfully. started downloading torrents but, each and everytime when i power off my router and on again there's nothing in my usb flash drive including downloaded torrents and optware and transmissions folders. frustrated about reinstalling optware and transmission again and again. i don't know what to do. any suggestions.
i followed this link for installing optware and transmission,
Guys can you please list the builds that you are using and the ones you have tried and found issues. I think that would be very helpful for new users.

I am not a new user, but recently my settings got reset and I decided to update to a newer build.

Used r19519 for the longest time, it is stable and loads are fine too. Just had to load ext3 drivers in startup since it does not seem to have that by default.

updated to r23919, transmission and FTP worked, but the loads were very high(>3.0 sometimes:confused:) and the router would occasionally freeze and refuse to load even the status page.

switched to r23838; so far so good. transmission and FTP both work and load is noticeably low. Have noticed some pages not loading correctly first up and loading only after refreshing(this could be some issue with my ISP too).
I have a doubt about N14U. Whats its antenna specs? Its mentioned it has 2 antenna, but how much in dBi ?
Guys can you please list the builds that you are using and the ones you have tried and found issues. I think that would be very helpful for new users.

I am not a new user, but recently my settings got reset and I decided to update to a newer build.

Used r19519 for the longest time, it is stable and loads are fine too. Just had to load ext3 drivers in startup since it does not seem to have that by default.

updated to r23919, transmission and FTP worked, but the loads were very high(>3.0 sometimes:confused:) and the router would occasionally freeze and refuse to load even the status page.

switched to r23838; so far so good. transmission and FTP both work and load is noticeably low. Have noticed some pages not loading correctly first up and loading only after refreshing(this could be some issue with my ISP too).
Its a fair idea , but its a hard task compiling it from the comments here . Its already has been discussed here . I found two versions very stable r16994 and r18777(probably will check the get back on this one) , all the r2xxxx I had used back then had some issues as you have mentioned . None of the r2xxxxx were totally stable like the previous builds . r16994 with automount script was the best and most stable config I have used .
-With this setup i am able to access FTP server, Transmission, pyload[minor issue]
, Router telnet access, RouterWAN WEb-gui etc

I would like to setup Both device In such a way that
1) I can access TP Link TD W896 Configuration URL Page [] From WAN

2) and Transmsision[i alrdy am able to access it ] [Note : If i disable DMZ on ADSL modem, i am sure i can access TP link ADSL from WAN , But i need a way to Access ADSL Modem Page from WAN AND Asus N13ub1 page from WAN

Currently since i am using DMZ method Connection comming to DDNS FQDN is redirecting to my Asus n13u b1 BUT i need a method to access Both TP Link ADSL
COnfiguration Page also Asus n13u b1

-With this setup i am able to access FTP server, Transmission, pyload[minor issue]
, Router telnet access, RouterWAN WEb-gui etc

I would like to setup Both device In such a way that
1) I can access TP Link TD W896 Configuration URL Page [] From WAN

2) and Transmsision[i alrdy am able to access it ] [Note : If i disable DMZ on ADSL modem, i am sure i can access TP link ADSL from WAN , But i need a way to Access ADSL Modem Page from WAN AND Asus N13ub1 page from WAN

Currently since i am using DMZ method Connection comming to DDNS FQDN is redirecting to my Asus n13u b1 BUT i need a method to access Both TP Link ADSL
COnfiguration Page also Asus n13u b1

View attachment 43155

Setup proper port forwards. DMZ is not to be used in these circumstances if you want to access ADSL WAN page also.

Say, use port 80 for ADSL, port 81 for N13. 9091 is for transmission, 23 for SSH, 22 for telnet etc...

You will first need to set these up in ADSL port forward, and send them to N13, then repeat same with N13 with actual IPs if there are any.
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Its a fair idea , but its a hard task compiling it from the comments here . Its already has been discussed here . I found two versions very stable r16994 and r18777(probably will check the get back on this one) , all the r2xxxx I had used back then had some issues as you have mentioned . None of the r2xxxxx were totally stable like the previous builds . r16994 with automount script was the best and most stable config I have used .

Yes I remember using r16994 too, it was very stable but didnt have EXT3 support inbulit. I chose r23838 based on RajeshJ's post some days back. It is stable, but FTP is patchy. It keeps automounting my /dev/sda2 to /mnt/sda/sda2 and I am unable to access it through FTP(not always, sometimes I can access it through FTP), therefore I am forced to use Samba which gives me full access to the partition(always). But Samba is a resource hog, and everytime I transfer anything off the stick I can see the load spiking up.
Hello Friends.

Facing a problem with my N13U-B1(r23838) for the last 3-4 days, the WAN port wont connect. Even when I connect a cable directly from the WAN port to my laptop or PC, the WAN light doesnt come on. The technician from my ISP says that the WAN port is faulty and the same cable coming from my ISPs switch when connected directly to Laptop/PC works fine.

So I was looking at the port assignment help on the DD-WRT page but this doesnt seem to work. Everytime I enter the commands via telnet and try to commit the NVRAM, I get an error saying "Deadlock detected, fix it first". I wanted to know if anyone has tried this here, I am trying to assign the port 4 to WAN vlan and connect to internet through that(using PPPOE).

nvram show | grep vlan.*ports does show the ports 0 4 5 assigned to vlan1 but when I connect the cable from the ISP to the port 4, PPPOE doesnt connect and a bunch of MAC addresses show up in the LAN page as connected clients.

I am not done experimenting here, already flashed different builds(23919 and fresh 23838) to see if that helps. Alternately I am looking for a replacement for the router with some WiFi router having RJ45 WAN + 1/2 LAN ports + USB support to run transmission. I think I could still use the N13U as a WiFi repeater to improve coverage. Any suggestions would be most welcome.
is this router works only with asus modems?. coz, while am using this router with asus modem internet is working fine thru both wifi and lan but, with bsnl modem internet is not working in both wifi and lan.
is there any settings i've to modify this router to with bsnl modem.
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