Just because you've spent on an expensive amp, doesn't mean it's worth it. This isn't a post for your confirmation bias. Multiple hobbyists including Crinacle, Joshua Valour, Timmy Vangtan as well as the entire headphone community on Reddit discourage people from buying expensive amps/dacs. For amps/dacs, the law of diminishing returns hits fast, which is why it's better to spend more on headphones while getting a respectable, value-oriented dac/amp for the money.
Costly dac/amps fall into the same category as flac music, expensive cables and burn in (people still believe in burn-in in 2022). Some will believe that better aesthetics (cables) give you better sound. Some will believe that expensive dac/amps give better sound since they placebo effect themselves into hearing a difference that objectively barely exists and realistically is indiscernible.
And since this hobby is based more on subjectivity than objectivity, there's presence of snake-oil in every category, including amps/dacs.