AV Room



Total damage = A Lot !
1.6 (tv) + 22 (spkrs) + 46 (amp/dvd)

Edit (For the specs) :

Hitachi PD9800TA 50" Plasma

Marantz SR-4001 (Receiver)

Marantz DV-4001 (DVD Player)

Sonodyne Sonus 2605 Floorstanders

Last but not the least, a big thank you to Chaos for helping me through and through and Zhop for the last minute speakers choice :D
Congratulations! Looks like you have taken a lot of care in the overall design of the room.
Hope you have not bunched the speaker wires with the electric lines...
Also can't spot a centre speaker. Would recommend you get one soon. It makes a huge difference to an HT setup.
What about the sub? Another very very important component.

However I envy you getting a Marantz so early(age)! I went through some really hopeless brands before stumbling onto the Marantz. Your AVR won't give up on you when you are in the mood for some music.
Ronnie22 said:
Congratulations! Looks like you have taken a lot of care in the overall design of the room.
Hope you have not bunched the speaker wires with the electric lines...
Also can't spot a centre speaker. Would recommend you get one soon. It makes a huge difference to an HT setup.
What about the sub? Another very very important component.

However I envy you getting a Marantz so early(age)! I went through some really hopeless brands before stumbling onto the Marantz. Your AVR won't give up on you when you are in the mood for some music.
Well thank you. I haven't bunched them actually, insulated each cable manually. Actually its not fully done, the second HDMI cable is yet to arrive. HT not completed yet, just two floorstanders, will add the Sonus sub a little while later. Maybe complete the HT after a year or so.

I bought Marantz over Denon purely for its musical abilities and the combo doesn't let me down :)
Woah !! Awesome !!

No plans yet of making it a complete surround system ??

And what is so special abt that DVD player ?? Does it upscale all DVDs to 1080P??