Bad Company 2 TechEnclave Clan

lol - why are you talking about closing thread ? let it be there for discussion - people talk about bc2 here only - so its not just about the te clan anymore.

as far as the rcdc league is concerned - maybe you should hand over the captaincy or leadership of this team to someone with more time.

dont just vacate it - ask here who is interested - and once you get a reasonable replacement then step down and carry on as a regular member.

you already have 4 people who have shown interest in taking part - roxtin , changga , mastersqual and yourself - get 1 or 2 backup players ready and decide a time when you guys can play.whats so stressful ? :)
I've never accepted myself as the leader. I just "entitled" it to myself just to registered the team on RCDC. Wasn't it my responsibility to do so as the starter of this clan?

Maybe be we can go in for one last time. But we need everything twelve hrs in advance. I'll happily step down if someone else wants to be the manager/leader.

TE Team:-





Don't let me down guys. It doesn't matter if we lose but just show up at the time of the game. For one last time maybe......

Sent the message at rcdc forum. Guys its a matter of prestige!
^^ register the players not registered yet.and keep atleast 1 or 2 backup players.4 isnt enough.

and last time ? isn't it the first ? D:

the basic thing you gotta do as the leader is to have a contact mechanism for the team members - get their phone numbers or something.

if you dont have them right now - use the PM service atleast.

recruit 1 or 2 players from outside TE if you think TE doesnt have enough players.i can help you with that as well.

and finally relax - there is no deadline for this - take your time - ask for a couple of days in the RCDC forums and sort these things out.
Why do you keep such odd times for match, bro 10PM to 12AM is scheduled powercut in my area. Keep it in morning na? Though I would try to be there but availability is subject to Electricity dept :p
i'll try to reach home by 10 i should be ready by 10-10:20 hitman can you get us some subs ? i finish office by 9:45 it take about 20-30 mins to get home lol btw is it me or robinsworld is not working ???
good to know that you guys are gonna play. I know that the timings are difficult for some, but please just for this once manage. After that i think our luck just might change. :)

Best of Luck for the match:hap2:

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

WTF! RCDC website is broken! :O
yeah rcdc seems to be down.

as far as getting subs is concerned - i am asking a couple of my friends who are not yet taking part in the league.hopefully they would want to play.
hey guys - i have arranged for 2 sub players as well - they play by the names Gign and Nik.

if you want to contact them here is the steam ID of nik - "h_nikku83" steam would be the best way.

if you guys have enough then you probably wont need them i guess.upto you guys to decide.

and yeah RCDC is still down. opening a weird page instead lol
hey guys :D

Sorry if i am posting in the wrong thread , but all bad company 2 threads seems to be dead from last 5-6 months , only this is been active.

Got some cash out of diwali :) so i was thinking of buying bad company 2 really wanna play the mp part .

First i was saving for COD7 but , have no hopes that we will get that game anywhere close to next 2 months :'(

So my question is:-

- Should i buy BFBC2

- Will i enjoy it ( never played any mp online , use to play cs, love Tf2 , actually enjoyed MOH beta part :)

- My ISP is nivyah broadband ( get pings around 120 - 150 in starhub servers of singapore , in tf2 )

- Are there good ping servers for BC2 ( dont need the details , just your word guys :D , you guys are smart enough !!!! )

So please response asap guys , as soon as i'll get your response gonna run out and get BC2