Battlefield 2 clan of indians

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Yeah,I play battlefield 2 too but on pagn ranked servers..i get pings frm 50-90 over there.There used to be a bangalore bf2 server..only to find out tht the person is leaving for australia and he won't be back for another 2-3 yrs.Tht was the only indian bf2 server I know of and the best part is tht it was a 64slot server..always full.

Currently I won't be playing for this following week since I got exams,but I'll play once it's over.

@Sandy-There r ppl already looking for recruits for upcoing bf2142 and QW..gonna check it out.Looks like a co-ordinated indian clan.
how about keeping the name NRC (not a real clan )

ok what name should we keep for this clan .

how to rent this game server cos it very exepesive for a ranked server .

And the bf 2142 we be released dec of the year
dec 2006, i think we get the demo 2 month before
the date of release
Allright,my exams are over.As for getting together..I suggest tht one of us setup a temporary server and give the ip so we can joing and practise with the bots since *ahem* TE member has a 7800gt and doesn't use it and anyways sandy needs the practise since he has hardly played the game and I don't wan't him ending up under a tank as he is better off flying the heli.

Oh! How abt we make our own bf2 machinima,we can call ourselves the 3 stooges.:rofl:
i pretty good in heli and plane ,

and hoe to add bot in MP

everyone get xfire so it will be eazy to join communicate

I need more info about temp servers bit of confuse
What I mean't was tht you just access the singleplayer and load a map where the bots will be included,also take note of the ip address and then give us the ip.We'll be able to join the server and frag out with the bots.
Smith said:
Worth buying BF2 now?

can someone pls give me an overview on the game or something?

Very less people play battlefield 2 in india . but if u purchase its lot of fun and bf2 is considered as the second largest online gaming in the world after counter strike. u have to creat ur own id and u should play on ranked server to get ranks, awards, medals .

if u want more deatail on this game cheak out this website
@Smith-The Game is cool apart from the minor bugs,but I can't suggest you in buying it since QW and 2142 will be arriving soon,but if you wanna just play till then,then I can only say this GET IT.I don't know why but this game is kinda addicitve..too addictive.

Does anyone wht happened to sandy?..Did he get abducted by aliens..gave birth to a baby???
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