Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

Thank you chiragsthakur for giving me my first online gaming experience that too of bfbc2 but now it has forced me to get bf3 and i will be playing against you guys soon, can't wait!

Oh, wait!


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When I resume playing after finishing Skyrim, I am gonna go after every prone camper there is with a knife, the welding torch and the defibs. Even if that reduces my KD to 0.01.
Good one.... I am mostly behind destroying Tanks (I love MINES),Lavs and Chopper... Using stinger on jets is waste.
i hate it when infantry shoots my jet and heli!!!


Yeah Bro, Thats what I told you when you started BFBC2
I knew you would be tempted to get BF3

Thank you chiragsthakur for giving me my first online gaming experience that too of bfbc2 but now it has forced me to get bf3 and i will be playing against you guys soon, can't wait!

Oh, wait!

PS... Some call me P90 Wh****
Is anyone facing problems while playing online?

I get disconnected whenever there is a map change and loading times are also quite high..

Three messages which i get frequently get are: "Something must have gone wrong" "You were kicked" "Disconnected"

I have never ever faced a single disconnection in BFBC2 with my 512kbps internet (and 2 mbps a night)
I only play on .sg servers and today i played in two Indian servers as well but i always got disconnected in map change.

I googled and its a known problem to many but no one has managed to find out the proper fix. Everyone is waiting for the new patch.

Origin plays BF3 without bothering me for any patch update so that means it is updated right?

Still no help, i get disconnected on every map change. One more thing, on what factor does this map loading depends (my guess is ram/cpu? and which is main out of those) because it takes me same time on 2mbps and even 512kbps.
Internet speed is not important in MP gaming, its the ping that matters... Are you using windows 7 32bit or 64bit?? if 32bit then did you try that userve fix??

1) In Windows 7/Vista go to Start menu. Go to Accessories. Locate the command prompt shortcut and hover mouse over it. Right Click on the shortcut then select Run as Administrator.

2) In CMD Prompt Type:

bcdedit /set increaseuserva 2500

3) Make sure you get a message back confirming the change was made. To verify the entry is there you can type just bcdedit, hit enter, and you should see the entry now listed.

4) Then close the command prompt. You just told W7/Vista to increase user virtual address (userva) space to 2500MB.

5) Reboot PC to make changes come into effect.

Another one to fix map loading time.....



Open / Run: regedit.


Change the GDFBinary & InstallDir paths to C:Program Files (x86)Origin GamesBattlefield 3

Try to launch the game and join game servers, and it should work.
Still no help, i get disconnected on every map change. One more thing, on what factor does this map loading depends (my guess is ram/cpu? and which is main out of those) because it takes me same time on 2mbps and even 512kbps.

Have you tried updating PunkBuster? Try this, worked for me.