Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

chiragsthakur said:
^^ You killed me yesterday been in same team :mad: But by the time I was typing to ask you the reason, you revived me :p :D

Yeah I remember that...didnt know TK was on, but anyway revived you as soon as possible. I hate TK and I have been the victim many times as well, but thats just the way it goes I guess...

And funny thing on TK, the dude needs only a few bullets to die, whereas people on the opposing team take their own sweet time to
Very true... But you almost emptied your magazine from point blank range on me :p
mav2000 said:
And funny thing on TK, the dude needs only a few bullets to die, whereas people on the opposing team take their own sweet time to
even i got team killed so many times yesterday. Although was revived soon most of the times. Worst part was when i was sniping someone, my team-mate got spawned behind me and soon a head shot. Lol,:D I was stunned and angry as i lost my shot for aiming.:mad:
Yeah coz mostly we end up in different teams, you must have thought so ;)
mav2000 said:
did i??....maybe i just saw your name and decided to give you a, dont know why that happened...confused...

You were killed by me yesterday coz of TK, but it was bad luck, coz that enemy was running right in front of me and you were behind him :p
devesh38 said:
even i got team killed so many times yesterday. Although was revived soon most of the times. Worst part was when i was sniping someone, my team-mate got spawned behind me and soon a head shot. Lol, I was stunned and angry as i lost my shot for aiming.
Looks like lot of friendly killings.:p
chiragsthakur said:
Yeah coz mostly we end up in different teams, you must have thought so ;)

You were killed by me yesterday coz of TK, but it was bad luck, coz that enemy was running right in front of me and you were behind him :p
I dont get to play those long games as someone or the other keeps disturbing me...prefer DM anyway, so try and get the 200-250 ticket ones. I love the 500 ticket ones as you can really get into the swing of things then.

....reason why i like 1000 tickets :
TE111.jpg trying to get 100 kills in a round :)
I guess I have died by all means of 'bad luck's possible in this game :p

today in caspian border conquest, almost at the end of the match I was circling the checkpoint flag in a viper.. trying to take out a tank. a jet was coming to us so I try to runaway from there as the jet cannon starts firing at us. and where do I go... straight under the antenna tower as it was falling. it fell right on our chopper and smashed it :facepalm:
lol..You are always unlucky while in vehicles it seems :p
DigitalDude said:
I guess I have died by all means of 'bad luck's possible in this game :p

today in caspian border conquest, almost at the end of the match I was circling the checkpoint flag in a viper.. trying to take out a tank. a jet was coming to us so I try to runaway from there as the jet cannon starts firing at us. and where do I go... straight under the antenna tower as it was falling. it fell right on our chopper and smashed it :facepalm:

chiragsthakur said:
lol..You are always unlucky while in vehicles it seems :p
relatively better in vehicles. countless times I have died by jumping/stepping(??) on sharp fences, fire, fuel tank explosion, falling debris. once i was running to the stationary AA on the US ship in kharg island.. same time the jet took off on me and I died due to bad luck, another time was sniping on the crane in firestorm when a jet kamikazed on me :death:
i get a lot of stuttering while "trying" to play BF3. however CODMW3 is smooth.

Just want to know if anyone who plays both Multiplayer if they face similar problem.
I know, what can I say, till about 2 weeks ago, it was running beautifully at 4 GB. Then suddenly the stuttering started...and I have no clue why. Installed an additional kit of 4 GB ram and it was fine again. I get one stutter per session now...normally in the first 4-5 minutes, after that the rest of the session, how many ever games I play, it is fine.

Earlier I used to get a stutter and get killed every few minutes.

Anyway try this..go to resource monitor and keep that open on the memory tab and see if alt/tab out of the game when it stutters to see if mem is at 100%, if so then thats your problem...

Actually if I remember right, it started after I reinstalled windows and the game.