Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

I think tha disconnetion proble is solved now but not new problem has arised.

During mp change i get a black loading screen and it just doesn't go away. When i press alt+tab then the game windows closes.
Which OS are you using??? 32bit or 64bit windows 7?? Try all the fixes available... Did you try the ones mentioned just above by me and jc36lect3r??
I am using Win7 x64.

Check out the youtube video posted, it was the exact problem I faced before updating Punkbuster. Or is it happening even after the update?
Yes i did exactly as it was shown in the video.

As i mentioned before i don't get you were kicked now but now i get "black loading screen" which just doesn't go away and when i press alt+tab during that time, then the games closes.
I think tha disconnetion proble is solved now but not new problem has arised.

During mp change i get a black loading screen and it just doesn't go away. When i press alt+tab then the game windows closes.

I have this exact problem
tried various fixes in my PC, router, uninstalled firewall, updated punkbuster etc etc but wont go

temp workaround: just keep on clicking various tabs during the end of match stats screen... last 5 second will do.

I was playing on indian server few mins back and that problem is still there, getting disconnected after a map change with a message "something went wrong".

I think i should wait for bf3's february patch :-/

temp workaround: just keep on clicking various tabs during the end of match stats screen... last 5 second will do.

I tried it but didn't worked, will try again
"Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'devesh38' (for 0 minutes) ... Losing Key"

LOLWUT. ??? Losing Key??

EDIT : found the solution. It was my Norton blocking my Key Packets.
"Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'devesh38' (for 0 minutes) ... Losing Key"

LOLWUT.... ??? Losing Key??

should have been 'losing key packets' see properly

happens occasionally for me also. update punkbuster, disable firewall and UNPnP in dsl modem and/or router.

Somebody help me out. I have installed the game. Don't know where should I find servers and get started with this game..
Add me - rahulpp and help me out please
Have added you...Join the servers from configure server filter--->type asia or india in location and join any server of your choice below 150ms ping

There is no server showing up when I set region to India

Do I need to purchase "Back to Karkand" expansion in order to play on Indian Servers? I can't find any Indian server running on existing maps
I joined couple of servers.. I am facing soo much difficulty to find out where actually I am and what should I do.. I am new to games like BF, COD etc. I have played CS:S, TF2 kinda FPS before.. It will take time to settle into battlefield now