Played the PC BF3 beta today morning for around 45 minutes.
My Impressions:
*The core gunplay feels fresh, different(in a good way)& almost nothing like Bad COmpany 2 or Battlefield2.
*The animations and movement are super slick! Smoothest I ve seen in a fps game!
*Loved the recoil in weapons its almost like the recoil seen in weapons of counter strike .
*Played in some Uk servers of ping 190-240s didnt feel any notcieable lag, although only played for 45 mins so cant say more on this!
*Lot of people camp or move around in prone, which tends to get annoying.

My Rig:Core i5 760 @ 3.3Ghz, 4Gb DDR3 1600, GTX 280 overclocked.
Game Settings: 1280x960, 2xAA, All on medium (Texture, Effects, Mesh @ High), Ambie Occlusion - ssao.
FPS: PARK: (most graphics intesnve part of the map) Hovered mostly around 45+. Didnt drop below 40.Inside the Tunnel it stayed around 50s most of the time..