When you start the game, go in customize before deploying ---> then click on your class and select loadout--> then scroll through the accessories or weapons unlocked---> select according to choice and deploy 

Infected said:Apart from all the issues...I only have one thing left to say for Battlefield 3.
Thank you DICE, Thank you EA, and Thank you TE....and Thank you all the battlefield MP players here....
After this weekend I can say I have not had so much fun in Multiplayer since I left Canada back in 2005. ( back then it was MOh:AA etc)..
And yes I am very satisfied, Happy to found so many fellow gamers, from here ( TE ) and else where...No matter how buggy Battlelog is, it is still the best stats keeping platform I have come across till date.
I was very very skeptical on this being on Origin and not on steam as I love steam, I dont wanna comment on Origin, but battlelog, is wonderful...
It was super to see so many fimilar peeps playing online yesterday, though the indian servers still have issues for me, it was nonetheless a weekend well spent, even kept me away from the other 10/10 title released a few days ago on PS3...but at the end of it, it was a weekend of awesome gaming.....
Thank you everyone!
And continue fragging...!!!
Rickyk said:@! 0 t A
PS. Buy the game and start playing Iota...
Jasku said:Guys, I got the game, started the SP campaign, brilliant graphics have to say, but I dont think my 4870 can handle it at 1680 x 1050, what resolution are you guys playing at?
Edit- I am still on catalyst 11.3, maybe updating to 11.7 will help!
viralbug said:Use the latest 11.10 mate!
Guys, where do you view that Battle report page? :S
Also, how do you change your name?
Btw, we can see many new Indian servers now!
Also, I completed the single player campaign. It was good, but nothing great. Storyline was meh. Didn't last long either.