Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

devesh38 said:
indian servers giving ping of 200+ today. :S
This is really weird. I am having the same problem.

Usually I get 10-30 ping to the Indian servers. It was fine in the evening. Suddenly they have all shot up to 240+! :mad:

I dont get this.

What ISP/City you using/in Devesh?
Rickyk said:
This is really weird. I am having the same problem.

Usually I get 10-30 ping to the Indian servers. It was fine in the evening. Suddenly they have all shot up to 240+! :mad:

I dont get this.

What ISP/City you using/in Devesh?

BSNL/chennai.. it was problem from server side only. first of all server cant handle anything above 24 players smoothly, plus it was running on 48 player today. Most probably that was the reason for increased pings.
Indian server's are terrible. Join them and see your KD drop. Like playing at 150 ms wasn't tough enough. People with 40-50 and even under ping some and shoot at you and you're dead.
Just finished the download at home and it is really strange to notice that none of the server is populated and all Indian Servers are showing '0' ping. Also can someone suggest optimal setting for my config :p
^^ You can play MP on LOW to MEDIUM settings on Full HD :)

And do you think Indian servers will be crowded at 5 AM ????????? :p Only on Friday and Saturday night you will find people playing this late...
chiragsthakur said:
^^ You can play MP on LOW to MEDIUM settings on Full HD :)

And do you think Indian servers will be crowded at 5 AM ????????? :p Only on Friday and Saturday night you will find people playing this late...

hehe. yes. I too try to play late on friday and saturday night. But that can play till max 4am.

@Roxtin : Try today evening. I bet u wont be able to join the servers quickly as servers will be either full or full empty.
devesh38 said:
BSNL/chennai.. it was problem from server side only. first of all server cant handle anything above 24 players smoothly, plus it was running on 48 player today. Most probably that was the reason for increased pings.
Nope. Nothing to do with the servers. Its a routing issue. Usually my connection to the Indian servers takes about 5 hops. Now its taking 12. Similarly pings have shot up from 50 to 400+ even for Fragnetic and other servers. Its definitely an ISP routing issue.....
Rickyk said:
This is really weird. I am having the same problem.

Usually I get 10-30 ping to the Indian servers. It was fine in the evening. Suddenly they have all shot up to 240+! :mad:

I dont get this.

What ISP/City you using/in Devesh?

Rickyk said:
Nope. Nothing to do with the servers. Its a routing issue. Usually my connection to the Indian servers takes about 5 hops. Now its taking 12. Similarly pings have shot up from 50 to 400+ even for Fragnetic and other servers. Its definitely an ISP routing issue.....

I get a min of 85+ ping to all Indian servers while it is 60+ for singapore servers (mostly fragnetic) :( and when airtel screws up routing, the SG servers go up like 300+ :'(

devesh38 said:
BSNL/chennai.. it was problem from server side only. first of all server cant handle anything above 24 players smoothly, plus it was running on 48 player today. Most probably that was the reason for increased pings.

32p servers are fine most of the time. I'm also from chennai, what are the min/avg pings you get from Indian BF3 servers? I wish there was a server in chennai :eek:hyeah:

DigitalDude said:
32p servers are fine most of the time. I'm also from chennai, what are the min/avg pings you get from Indian BF3 servers? I wish there was a server in chennai :eek:hyeah:


I get around 60-80ms ping for indian servers. yes i also wish there was a server in chennai.
I agree with ram_dante. The ping doesnt seem much of a problem. I play in server upto 250ms ping and still find it pretty ok. Generally indian server are either full or empty ... like a flip-flop. So hop onto SG/JP/KOR servers.

I generally play on the 64 people servers. "the More the merrier" isnt it how it goes. Nothing can capture the mayhem and chaos and fun of a 32 vs 32 Operation Metro conquest match.
I don't say that the game is unplayable in moderate pings (like say CS) but ping has an effect in some cases, sometimes you get killed even if you had pumped a magazine into your enemy... see the image below, even I had 0% health a few times and survived.


and you can't fly jets properly in anything above 150ms and totally irritating beyond 200ms

Not all Indian servers, I guess only two of them have this prob.. I haven't experienced lag on all Indian servers as yet. 32bit OS fix has resolved each and every issue and I am maxing it out now on MP at 1600x900... True Bliss :cool2:

I am thoroughly enjoying the game to the core :hap2:... My K/D ratio is increasing very fast now...

Also, its an awesome feeling when suddenly out of nowwhere I see (Chirag231187 killed xxxxxx) x2 or x3, Vehicle destroyed coz of mines :eek:hyeah:
Whoa. Look at me battle report:

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This was as a helicopter gunner. There was this absolutely awesome heli pilot called kor_mark who kept avoiding locks with ease, even without IR flares, although he got only two kills himself. :p

Unfortunately such an opportunity doesn't always present itself. :( :bleh: