! 0 t A
ram_dante said:Put it between the crotch it ll give an even better effect..
LOL, if it vibrates when the Knife Animation plays out and the thing is "there", It take that Animation to a whole new level :S. .
ram_dante said:Put it between the crotch it ll give an even better effect..
BlitzCraig said:The patch has had a catastrophic effect on my game. The mouse issues have cropped up again. There are times when im spinning in circles in a turret of the tank. Whats the ideal sensitivity setting on the mouse that i should set to ensure a decent mouse response?
! 0 t A said:LOL, if it vibrates when the Knife Animation plays out and the thing is "there", It take that Animation to a whole new level :S. .
DigitalDude said:the new patch removes the negative accl. (used in consoles for smooth movements) which used to affect the accuracy for many PC gamer's. if u r mouse movement is too much just lower your in-game sensi till you are comfortable.
there is no ideal sensitivity, it also depends on u r mouse dpi. few ppl also have onthefly dpi switching in the mouse and choose low setting like 800dpi when in tanks/helis, mid like 1600 dpi as a soldier and 3000dpi when in a jet.
kRuSnIk said:
! 0 t A said:LOL, if it vibrates when the Knife Animation plays out and the thing is "there", It take that Animation to a whole new level :S. .
mastersquall said:nice way to capture jet hehe but now days i am addicted to team kill match
devesh38 said:indian servers giving ping of 200+ today. :S[...]
Plus the servers were too laggy to play today. Will try again in night.