Word. It is stupefying that a game like this is rated everywhere on its campaign only.Reviews are coming out atm, terrible singleplayer from what i read but who plays BF for sp anyways.
Read elsewhere that the SP campaign is just of 3 hours or so? Is that even true?
Deluxe edition has nothing to offer over Standarad, as preordering either will get you the first DLC free.I'm trying to decide which edition to buy - Standard or Deluxe.
Question, Do the DLC come with extra MP maps? Will I be able to play the MP properly without the DLCs?
Since the reviews for SP are bad I'm thinking it doesn't make sense to buy DLCs. Unless they are required for MP.
Yup *wink *wink Taco BellHaven't read the whole thread, just posting it here, there are ways to get the game for 2300-2700..just FYI, I know most of you will know this..
That's the best trailer released so far showing the true battlefield. It's all about multiplayer
Quick question, has anyone over here with Fermi cards been able to get the latest bunch of shit drivers from nVidia to work without system locks ups?
I have been on 314.07 drive since March now for my 560Ti and kept seeing the same complaints of newer drivers still causing issues with Fermi based cards. Anyone care to chip in their experience? I don't really need a boost in Arkham Origins, but if the latest driver is fine tuned for Battlefield 4, I want in on the action, preferably without my system being ballsed by a shoddy driver.
Upgrade to 331.65 whql, an essential update for battlefield 4.I'm on 331.40 - no issues. Same card as you.
I'm on 331.40 - no issues. Same card as you.
Upgrade to 331.65 whql, an essential update for battlefield 4.
Did you face the system lock-up and/or BSOD issues on the prior drivers Aman?
and locked n loaded. now some lessons in patience
don't want to use vpn. and btw there are updates incoming for server, battlelog and client also.Use VPN, play now. It takes longer to cook Maggi, you know...