Battlefield 4 - Discussion Thread

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^ its all because of price at which bf4 is selling. Anyways i am getting my physical copy tomorrow. Really excited about this game.
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it shame to see that this thread doesn't get more post from people ( only 11 page ) , if i remember correctly bf3 thread was one of the hot discussion thread in TE . Where is everyone now ?

BF3 was a big leap when it came out in terms of scale and visual quality plus people kinda wanted to support something that could beat CoD. It was similar excitement to when Crysis 1 came out. Now this seems like more of the same like BF 3.5 maybe and we Indians have been shafted with the increase in prices so even 12 pages seems like a lot. Plus there are some older gamers like me who are kinda fried of shooting virtual weapons for a decade so no shooters this year for me atleast. Kinda interested in Titanfall thg.
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Found on reddit
midway through the campaign. graphics is gorgeous, but everything else seem to be too cliche'd and scripted. The AI is super accurate in hard mode but dumb in movements etc (very hard to not get killed but easy to kill them). many weapons and dogtags can be unlocked via playing the campaign only, so have to play it again to fully locate and unlock everything.

in multiplayer, yet to get the hang of the maps so getting pounded. btw whenever I get into an air vehicle the game crashes in a minute with the audio looping :( in test range and singleplayer I have no problem though. a lot of people are crashing, definitely needs a patch to enjoy the game properly just like BF3 launch.

and yeah

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got my copy in the evening from GamestheShop


Installing now.
Edit : Origin seems to be stuck in offline mode. Cant install. :(
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Damn u blue dart >.<

Pickup Date
31 October 2013
In Transit
Await Delivery Information
Expected Date of Delivery
04 November 2013
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I guess i am stuck with the console version then . Was hoping that 780 GTX price drop will reflect soon and would purchase it to play BF4/COD Ghosts.
Known Battlefield 4 Issues and Next Steps
Relaying a message from the team here at DICE:
Since the launch of Battlefield 4, some fans playing online have been experiencing various issues with the game. Thanks to your feedback, many of these problems have been resolved, but there are still a number of bugs that we are actively working on. Below you will find a list of some of the resolved issues, as well as some of the issues we are prioritizing at the moment and what we’re doing to address them.

I just played this for an hour to get a preview of it's performance and holy crap is the SP campaign boring as hell. I hate to say it, but honestly, I feel Medal of Honor Warfighter had a much better start than this game. On the visual front, I'm not impressed. Got the latest nVidia driver installed and have everything on Ultra minus MSAA and the frame rate hovers around 35-40. However, it instantly drips below 25 in extreme explosive action sequences and with excessive smoke/dust clouds the screen. I'm not sure why they even decided to go for Frostbite 3 engine when their earlier engine barely got time to show it's full potential. My initial impressions of Frostbite 2 engine with a Dual core CPU was rather harsh, but with a Quad Core, it was fantastic. Heck, I was looking forward to more Frostbite 2 engine games, when they announced Frostbite 3. I don't really see a drastic over-haul as such. The texture quality is not up to mark in certain areas, but look good on tiled surfaces with water on them. So far it hasn't WOW'd me.
Just started playing this, been three hours, currently at the mission which appeared after that ice tram mission. The first two/three stages were so fast, I think it's the first time the name Battlefield is put well in game-play. Awesome graphics, movements are great however the running of my crews seem cartoonish! I have no idea what's the GPU recommended for this game, but on my 580 frames are everywhere, it fluctuates more than our stock index, one second 20, next second 60! I am keeping everything at Ultra, and AA off. What settings are you guys using? 35/40 min is bearable but 20, nah.....I don't think it's optimized very well. In game-play there is an annoying thing kept happening, when I was crouching or prone, if one of your crew stays at same line with you and if he/she moves you will be forced out from your holding position, it's disgusting! Overall really nice game, but I think a little more optimization would have been great, which game comes optimized well for PC nowadays anyway, every franchise is in a hurry....:greedy:
Just started playing this yesterday. I'm a couple of hours into the campaign.

The game is crashing a lot, especially in multiplayer. DICE needs to hurry up with that patch.

Performance is pretty good, getting frames above 60fps with all settings maxed out! but the performance dips to about 30-40 fps in some intense scenes.

I'm playing this on GTX 66o 2x sli.
I too started with this yest ... Finally after 3 days it took for the game to get delivered.
Just a few hours in multiplayer. Feels a lot like BF3, except i die a lot more and has no clue what i am doing.
My PC is crashing a lot, need to get mother board checked out. No game crashes but.
The GTX770 is running it beautifully in all high settings. Will have to try out ultra sometime.
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