Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Servers to Play on

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Rickyk said:
What ISP are you using Spin?

sorry didn't see your msg earlier. i'm using reliance wired here in baroda.

saumilsingh said:
Time to bring back Kawabonka Ricky :)?

1x TF2 server
1x BC2 server

yea, bring back kawa ricky. and the first thing after that is to ban saumil for life :ohyeah:

saumilsingh said:
I am pretty sure that's BS. If the source (i.e. StarHub) had changed their routing, wouldn't every Indian ISP be getting bad pings?

hmpargi makes a good point here. that airtel guy was talking shit.
I am pretty sure that's BS. If the source (i.e. StarHub) had changed their routing, wouldn't every Indian ISP be getting bad pings?

He probably means starhub is where airtels hop/get into SG. If those guys change their routing, then automatically it will affect airtels routing.
The fact is it is a Starhub controlled node that causes the pings to shoot to 350 and not an Airtel node. Airtel doesnt have any control over SH nodes.

Its called "Traffic Shaping".

An ISP can selectively choose specific connections (say only Airtel users) and "shape" them (ready - modify their connectivity) to suit their own network policies.

This could be why only Airtel users are affected. Its also why I said theres no guarantee that switching to a new ISP wont cause the same problem in the future if SH decides to shape that ISPs traffic as well.

And for Saumil I have only ONE question -

I contacted Airtel too and the guys on CC told me that there is nothing they can do about it

CC guys are generally clueless 12th pass people who are only there to earn their 8000 bucks and go home and sleep. Don't expect any intelligence from them.
Ricky will only start a server if p000ter asks him to. Besides, I have a feeling that for some reason, Ricky thinks Saumil's door incident was his fault. He doesn't want a repeat of that. Now imagine a 26-27yr old being caught like that :tongue: Saumil has also upgraded his door locks along with his PC hardware and popup blockers..
this high ping is really annoying. some days back it was alright. at least on fragnetics i was getting 170 ping. but now it is always 350+ . i am using bsnl UL750.. there has to be some solution
lonelymanav said:
still low pings.. they were better in the morning.

Low? Dont you mean High? Low pings would be good.

I think Starhub changed the routing intentionally and not by accident. Therefore theres little chance that this problem will get solved. Airtel can do nothing about it apart from requesting Starhub to look into it but Airtel wont bother. If Starhub is doing this intentionally, users on connections other than Airtel will also start facing the same problem at some point.

Having said that, there are a number of people complaining about bad pings to Starhub who happen to be living in Singapore. Dont know whats going on....
Rickyk said:
Low? Dont you mean High? Low pings would be good.

I think Starhub changed the routing intentionally and not by accident. Therefore theres little chance that this problem will get solved. Airtel can do nothing about it apart from requesting Starhub to look into it but Airtel wont bother. If Starhub is doing this intentionally, users on connections other than Airtel will also start facing the same problem at some point.

Having said that, there are a number of people complaining about bad pings to Starhub who happen to be living in Singapore. Dont know whats going on....

yes i meant HIGH . that was a typo... you mean now there is no solution to the bad pings at all ??? :@ . that will be very sad...

baccilus said:
I am getting really bad pings too. I am on BSNL 256KBPS plan. Somehow, European servers are better.

which are those european servers ?? let us all know
lonelymanav said:
which are those european servers ?? let us all know

There are no particular European servers. I just search in the Europe region. Several servers come up with less than 250 ping. Usually I play on UKSC servers.
The server list shows pings less than 250 or even 170......... but when u check the ping again while playing the game its always shows 100to 150 more........... its really annoying to play at those pings.........
From what I know, the ping shown by the game browser is "single trip" (ie. TO the server) while the one shown in game is round trip (ie. To the server and BACK). This is why the in game ping will usually be double the ping shown in the game browser.

So if you see 150 in the browser, its going to show around 300 in game. I find anything above 250-270 Round trip makes head shots complete matkas as the prediction required is too high.
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