Car & Bike BBC Top Gear - Discussion Thread

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They wanted to tell the world that England is still striving.. Kind of a take that world.. kinda way.
TBH was overwhelmed too..
Good episode - 8/10
btw we could as a nation learn from uk - trying to instill patriotism among themselves. The ruling party/government hardly has given us anything good in any way or form over the last 9 years but that is to be discussed in another thread.
New Top Gear DVD "The Perfect Road Trip" featuring Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond is out now.

I didn't find it that good.

It was a lot more comic & less review-ey .. but watching Jeremy, Richard & James do all those 80's nostalgia stunts on their own was quite a treat.

I think they will cram the rest of the episodes with reviews & previews.
@Switch - The opening episodes of the last 2 seasons were pretty meh compared to this. It always picked up after a few episodes compared to that - this isn't all bad.
tg 21x01 was definitely good. I liked the 80s hatchback stuf and the formula "strap" ONe jokes. And the reference to Constable and "Hey, Wayne".
Episode 2 - If this episode alongwith the first episode are true indicators of this season then we are in for a good season.
I thought they were going to show the Porsche. The episode was a bit dreary like their road trip. Hopefully they have a real road trip special.
Didn't really care for part 2 of burma special, it felt forced and Jeremy had to keep saying look its awesome whereas in Vietname special you could feel without them saying anything
Recently stumbled on "The perfect Road Trip" & "50 Years of cars in Bond Films"....

Looks like all 20 seasons will be qued up for downloading !

Query - Does seasons like 1 to 9 are available in HD ?
Didn't really care for part 2 of burma special, it felt forced and Jeremy had to keep saying look its awesome whereas in Vietname special you could feel without them saying anything

The Vietnam special is my all time favorite. Nothing seemed forced in that one, unlike the recent specials including the African one.
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