Big Let down by Prime ABGB

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For those who think that people here were too quick to jump on the OP.... please make sure you go through both the threads and reach OP's gem of words and lashing at TE and it's members.

I had posted in his other thread trying to help despite his behavior, but after reading Fah33m's post and thread I wrote following and I'll stand by my words that he doesn't deserve an ounce of empathy.

iGo said:
If what Fah33m said there is true (and knowing him I wouldn't doubt him) then I am sorry, that last post of mine is the only help that you'll get from me. Someone who enjoys others' misery deserves to experience the same.
iGo said:
For those who think that people here were too quick to jump on the OP.... please make sure you go through both the threads and reach OP's gem of words and lashing at TE and it's members.

I had posted in his other thread trying to help despite his behavior, but after reading Fah33m's post and thread I wrote following and I'll stand by my words that he doesn't deserve an ounce of empathy.
Amen to that. Good riddance.
aman.pitbull said:
Prime's customer support really really!! sucks now since Mangesh is not there, instead now Nilima is sitting there(w/swollen red eyes ) :cursing: and sending everyone to respective RMA centers.

About 4-5 weeks back when Mangesh was there he took around 5 rma requests from my side and sent all of the items for RMA when I asked him politely. Since the past 3 weeks now Nilima is at his place and I came there for 3 RMA requests, she gave me the address for respective RMA centers on all the three times!!! :-[. I repeatedly tried requesting her to send the items via Prime even if it takes a week or more but she kept on refusing and we had to go and stand in the long ques for RMA :@.

Prime was providing service out of their expenses and something which no one else provided.. something which they are not obliged to provide.


Prime is directing you to respective service center.. which every other dealer does in the market and i suppose that is a standard.

How does that really make you say 'it really really sucks' now?

You are comparing with respect to Prime's standards and not with respect to the actual market standards.

They may be facing issues but i wouldnt make such a statement against those who have served me(and infact many from this community) very well so far with premium treatment. Not atleast in a debate where some newbie is trying to make a misery out of Prime and TE by pointing toward something that is a standard everywhere.
OK, enough of it already.... Do you guys behave this immature all the time, or its some special occasion this time? I have been reading posts here, and I cant believe I am actually reading these things. You guys are giving him personal advice? What the hell? Juggle GFs? Do hip hop? What do you think you are talking about? Online community? impress people? What do you think you are doing?
C, I am not an active member of TE, So most of you may feel I don't have a right to comment here. But I am a member of TE and I know the person who has posted this thread. I know him personally, and I have bought stuff from prime ABGB as well, So I exactly know what you guys are talking about here.
This is the same guy who got me to join TE and would go on and on about how wonderful and helpful this website is. If you don't know anybody personally, you bloody well have NO RIGHT to say things about him. I know he expected a lil too much from TE n its not job n duty or service thats provided here, rather its a helping hand, I know all of that. And I am sure that my friend knows that too. And I apologize on his behalf for all the personal comments he made. I was the first person to tell him that he made a mistake by posting the harsh n personal comments for TE, but after reading your senseless n immature replies I regret telling him that. He is no troll and he has stopped using TE. All I request you people is, if at all you have some sense still left in you, please stop posting personal comments n insults. It only shows what kind of mentality you have. I have already apologized for mistakes on his behalf and mine too, and I expect this madness to stop here. Rest is your decision....
madnav said:

Prime was providing service out of their expenses and something which no one else provided.. something which they are not obliged to provide.


Prime is directing you to respective service center.. which every other dealer does in the market and i suppose that is a standard.

How does that really make you say 'it really really sucks' now?

You are comparing with respect to Prime's standards and not with respect to the actual market standards.

They may be facing issues but i wouldnt make such a statement against those who have served me(and infact many from this community) very well so far with premium treatment. Not atleast in a debate where some newbie is trying to make a misery out of Prime and TE by pointing toward something that is a standard everywhere.
Well, for all the RMA requests I went to Prime when I was sent back was for and with my friends who saw the Bad side of PRIME including the straight refusal by Nilima which was almost like getting scolded, since Swapnil & Meenal had both promised them of Good support they felt sort of dissatisfied. Still Not a deal breaker as I'm waiting for Prime's better support staff(Mangesh) to come back.

Apart from that 'unonymouz' is truly a crazy person, 2-3 posts should have been enough for him to show his disgust but he has gone On and ON with his ranting like a kid.
Here's Mr. Smooth Talker's latest comment on the Acer thread.
Shit, if the founding member has such double-standards, I can understand why the rest of Techenclave is like that. Typical Indians.
The farce he has created on that thread alone is enough to make him worthy of an infraction.
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-Guevara- said:
What a vile person the OP is.

I wish his computer burns down infront of him and he cries & weeps like a little girl.
Just direct this thread to prime.
I think they can handle the rest. ;)
i have also had bad experience thru primeabgb i had ordered u2711 from them and its been more than 3 weeks still they dont know what is the problem where it is .. Do they really wanna to business.. spending 41k and thety dont have answer.. even gurinder promised me that this week i t will defiantely come but no update nuthing at all . last week i got update it was in customs but so mch time... dam dam...ashok , swapnil have just become to slow in answering queries...
Why hasn't my reply been posted till now :-O It has been more than 8 hours now. I understand you guys have to moderate and all, but please make it sooner :( Anyways, people who think OP's PC should burn down are very very "mature", I hope they get well soon. :) Cheers.
So it seem's i'm not the only one or rather wrong in my feeling that Prime's levels have indeed dropped..
^their levels from others experience suggests that are now on par with the rest of dealers at lamington road.
The levels dropping can be said in a way the earlier levels were standout than the rest .
They are not accountable for that since they do not advertise themselves that way.
It was a goodwill gesture from them which they have parted now it seems.
What strikes me is that they treat everybody as equals in it.
No special treatment for anks coz they know what he brings to them.
If he needed so much support, he should brought a branded system from likes of HP,Dell etc. Assembled always means you get warranty on parts and you yourself responsible for troubleshooting which part is faulty.

Plus, TE is not a paid forum, members are not binded to help everyone.

Stupid n00b. He does not seem to understand the meaning of community support. I think this thread should be closed now as this serves no purpose
i think the pain of loosing his system has totally gone to him , going insane , if we knew where he studies , maybe i can supply the other students TE t shirts and get him crazed out even further ...or put a giant billboard in front of his house TE rulez :P
^^ I think we should just stop this. Enough has been said and with this ganging up etc and even valid objections to his behaviour, for all you know is only fuelling his delight at gathering attention.

I think it's high time everyone just stops this. IMHO the mods should just shut this thread and deal with him in private.
Being frank, I didn't know the current status of Prime ABGB customer handling without this post.

Till very recent, I used to direct my friends who need h/ws' to Prime. And I heard about Prime ABGB through TE.

So, am thankful to this forum post for being an eve opener. It is a lesson to be learned, which again I learned through TE :)

Thread opener also did enough to test and ascertain the issue he is facing.

It is only that he is a bit noob and went hyper, without doubt. So are some posts in this thread. :)

Reading this blog by MarK Shuttleworth may be interesting for many posters in this thread:

Mark Shuttleworth » Blog Archive » Tribalism is the enemy within

(I am a Fedora user, still the blog was worth reading)
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