Black holes

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#[member='id1x'] if you are not a religious sort, mind explaining your dp.

And please in standard English syntax not shortened SMS lingo.

Proper grammar gets a bonus.

This current discussion reminds me about one of my college faculties who was teaching us Sound editing and video editing using Final Cut Pro on Mac's. His first question to the class --

Teacher X: How did sound originate?

[blank / glazed expressions returned by the entire class]

Teacher X: Originated from Siva's Damaru...

[class in silence, nerds start scribbling notes]

Me: Sir where is the proof?

Teacher X: Quoting a vague text from the Vedas... hence concluded!

[smarting under his gaze I sit down]

Since this incident I am yet to pass in those subjects, reminds me of Giordano Bruno from history.
_ ok you ,

_glad to see so many happy bikers around , those things are man eater so dont lose it .

am a big fan of watching moto grand pre . they keep getting bad accidents all the time vroom vroom boom

_ i was born in the middle east Syria area full of conflict and war like some of u where born christian i am born Muslim

weather u go to church or not is the same thing with me the good thing to do in a religious society is to follow

the older ranks and pray . so anyone would like to be good you see you never know that you are doing a bad thing

when you are a German soldier and raising your hand to Hitler when he passes with his car .

its only after he dies when they start curt Marchall .

so from here i dunno where to look up am not young am 40 yo i have experienced many strange things in my life

but never saw anything that proves that there is any intelegent living things other than me my neighbors and the dogs

and cats out side neither did my mum who is 80 . so u see spending a life time in reality makes you think

where all these ghosts are coming from and why all these wars about them ? and you are never able to move a lighter with your mind when

Moses split the sea with his staff like skyrim and Jesus awaken the dead like frankenstein and Mohamed knew about black holes like allien resurrection

in my youth i used to avoid the supernatural at a point when i matured i used to think

well all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be .

then after that i had a set back , i mean haw can i know that i know ?

if everyone else is supernatural about it .

i started reading and praying into my native religious to gain social benefit as well

in fact there is lots of ghosts in there as usual but the main story is legit if you put

aside the miracles and the sward and shield wars .

it keeps telling you not to do bad things and to do all the good things similar

to any normal law . and that god will be happy with you exx exxx same as christian in most

parts . and its best parts is when it order you to keep healthy and look after your self .

not like cigarettes companies do . i repect when somone is trying to protect me .

that is about all am just an ordinary person . but this thread is not about my research

in islam or trying to spread the word lol i just saw that episode on bbc and the

words seems to so much matching there i mean it start with look at the sky then the piercing star

note where it says star not planet where in other verses the same guy in the dark cave

who dose not know haw to read and write described the planets and the moons and in another

strange event he knew the count of the planets in our solar system lol


note that the black hole is not even a star but resulting from a star death .

then in our topic verses he gose on by talking not only about the black hole but about

the pulsar which is that small planet inside it the knocker i knew about black holes

but i never knew there is pulsars inside it so basically Mohamed has beaten me to it

2000 years ago the verses continue to mesmerize when he identify the time of knowledge

of the subject when he say to Mohamed the knocker and haw would you know about the knocker

that means its knowledge to you but you have no way to study it at your time so its for

a future time to study , in other word he tells him not to stop thinking at that

time but just write it down and go on with your mission .

things looks to precise in there so that some members here replied that well this verses

must have been added after 1970 . but that is not true this book is in one sold piece

and they have editions of it with hand writing that gose back to 1500 years ago

and the carbon tests can prove that .

i just posted here for one thing , for you to know am not much advanced in islam or in

faith than any one else am just a common guy but i came here to chat about this subject

in a scientific form to see what a scientific person would think about it .

i could have posted in a religious forum as i know haw these kinds of topics end

but i wanted to concentrate on the scientific part of these subject and haw close and

clear that verses is . not on the religious point of view . i wont mind if someone say

well it must be aline knowledge or some instinct pheromones or demons or anything but at the

end haw near is that versus to a phenomenon ? or just a word marching puzzle by some skilled

religious person ? i mean there is millions on of words in that book and can be matched

and manipulated to mimic modern science things .

_sorry about eng this is my best after using the spelling corrector every 2 words

translators are a stupied mind of thier own when i speak eng i think eng
I think that your last post is the most revealing and insightful post you have made in this thread because it talks about your "self". As far as I am concerned the idea of god and faith is something that pertains to the "self". On the other hand the essence of religion is to relate/resolve the self with/for the "good" of society much like the constitution of a country does. I don't understand why there is such a need to resolve religious texts with current science (whether it be the black hole mumbo jumbo you are talking about or say, the christian attempts wrt creationism) when the relevance of religion lies in societal behavior rather than physics.

Interestingly, the very Hindu concept of "tathastu" resolves things a lot more elegantly and easily when it comes to rational explanations for phenomena.
Merely mentioning a thing exists is one thing, and actually explaining why and how it exists and functions is quite another. Probably the difference between current world religions and science.

I don't understand what you want to discuss about. Do you just wish to tell people that a religious text stated the existence of something which has been proven by science to exist relatively recently or to have an actual discussion about something?
. Do you just wish to ask people that a religious text stated the existence of something which has been proven by science to exist relatively recently

yes that is it i just changed a word in your in your quote . the answer i would expect is a simple yes i think that text

meant something about that subject or no it looks like scam to me that is all

the other guy above dose not connect with me neither likes these topics he will keep attacking

am not arguing so i wont reply to him/her plus he dosnt recognize my language bariar
okay thats a long post , anyway good for you dude , he foretold existence of blackholes ,,, good for him and you too,...anything else?
yes that is it i just changed a word in your in your quote . the answer i would expect is a simple yes i think that text

meant something about that subject or no it looks like scam to me that is all

the other guy above dose not connect with me neither likes these topics he will keep attacking

am not arguing so i wont reply to him/her plus he dosnt recognize my language bariar

in your first quote you mentioned that there is a rock in the center of black hole. in the links you gave, black holes have such high gravity that even light cannot escape from their field. black holes usually have extremely high insane amounts of pressure built up inside them sucking up galaxies, nearby stars etc.

so what do you think happens to the rock. wont it disintegrate into atoms with such high heat, force and pressure being applied on it from all sides? can you show where in the text its written that the rock still exists?

Always learn from more than two sources, keeping your mind open. there's no hard and fast rule in this world that you have to believe your teacher or anyone in any matter. you should take a rational approach to the subject and make a decision of your own.
strange i think you are the ignorant one here , pulsar are a small planet shape rock that exist in the center of black holes resulting from

star bigger than our sun by 1.4 and the gravity of that hole hold that matter in dense that can pierce matter ,and make sound waves


, this information helps distinguish whether the object is a neutron star or a black hole, since black holes are more massive than neutron stars.

black holes are just bigger than pulsar but works the same way

if guys here are board or social advisers that hate this thread why bother come here and blablabla ? some others are talking .
strange i think you are the ignorant one here , pulsar are a small planet shape rock that exist in the center of black holes resulting from

star bigger than our sun by 1.4 and the gravity of that hole hold that matter in dense that can pierce matter ,and make sound waves


, this information helps distinguish whether the object is a neutron star or a black hole, since black holes are more massive than neutron stars.

black holes are just bigger than pulsar but works the same way

if guys here are board or social advisers that hate this thread why bother come here and blablabla ? some others are talking .

From Wikipedia :

A pulsar (portmanteau of pulsatingstar) is a highly magnetized, rotating neutron star that emits a beam of electromagnetic radiation. This radiation can only be observed when the beam of emission is pointing towards the Earth, much the way a lighthouse can only be seen when the light is pointed in the direction of an observer, and is responsible for the pulsed appearance of emission. Neutron stars are very dense, and have short, regular rotational periods. This produces a very precise interval, between pulses that range from roughly milliseconds to seconds for an individual pulsar.

It contradicts your first statement about pulsar being small planet shaped rock. Core of star is different than rock. It isn't even solid.
yes i meant it looks like a small ball , and they all result from star exploision but vary in size so they all black holes . right ? or wrong ?
strange i think you are the ignorant one here , pulsar are a small planet shape rock that exist in the center of black holes resulting from

star bigger than our sun by 1.4 and the gravity of that hole hold that matter in dense that can pierce matter ,and make sound waves


, this information helps distinguish whether the object is a neutron star or a black hole, since black holes are more massive than neutron stars.

black holes are just bigger than pulsar but works the same way

if guys here are board or social advisers that hate this thread why bother come here and blablabla ? some others are talking .

if your'e so smart where in your links does it say that - pulsar are a small planet shape rock that exist in the center of black hole?

and for the record neutrons/ pulsars and black holes are different.
I wasnt able to understand what you were trying to say from your post, but from others posts I assume that you are saying that there is a small rock inside of a black hole. You do know that a black hole isnt actually a hole dont you?

It doesnt contain anything else inside of it, it just is.
ok lets change the subject i dont know why i posted this thread (trade inspector is right)

and no i dont think am smart

i have formatted after i got the crawler virus, i updated dx end user then it asked me to install dx11 update

is that necessary ?
The basis of science is open mindedness, disbelief and questioning attitude towards everything. Science is not exact and changes every day. Yesterdays fact is today's fallacy and today's fact may be tomorrows fallacy. The basis of religion on the other hand is narrow mindedness and blind faith and the capacity of a human mind to discard logic or cook up its own twisted logic to explain things the way they want. All the so called holy books of today were written by people. Even in the age old eras there is no denying the fact that there were people who were wise and had a scientific temper. People have predicted cosmic patterns as well as earthly phenomena like weather, tidal patterns etc and that kind of knowledge is documented in various writings including our holy books. If you look at these holy books as a glimpse into the past, a la history book, you would find a wealth of scientific knowledge which again has to be taken with the same open mindedness and questioning attitude.

However there are also the religious people with the superstitious and narrow mindedness of various degrees. If you want to impart the knowledge that getting in contact with a plague victim is dangerous, tell them that plague is a curse from god and any one who touches them would be cursed and they would follow it blindly to the peak of stupidity. With the holy books, this is further simplified by the fact that the writings of yester years are ambiguous in language and can be conveniently interpreted in any way required. 500 years ago, bible had proof that the earth was flat, a scientific fact of the day and Galileo who shook the foundations of this scientific and religious belief was harassed by the church. Today, the same bible is used to show that people of yester years already knew that the earth is round. Similarly any other holy book like koran or gita can also be used to prove something or its exact opposite based on what we want to prove.
to the op:

I know where you come from. don't follow this idiot[member='466dave'];&#[member='466dave'];/science-zakir/


Entertaining Link
How about we talk about Black Holes then?

I understand how a black hole could warp space-time in 2D but I'm having trouble visualizing it in 3D. Could someone post a link to a picture perhaps?
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