Blur – Gaming heaven in Chennai

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they can charge double to get in areas with booth babes and triple if you want them to 'play with you'

Damn they should open one branch here with all chinky chicks as support staff :D:D. Kranti..convey them the idea :P
sure man will do it if i can meet the Big guns of blur this week or the next week when i meet them ,there are some cons abt the place also lets not talk abt that,but some how i want the assistants to be replaced with hot chicks :bleh:
wtffffffff.....awesome place...weekend rates are pretty the ambience and recliners :)....delhi want some!

Nice !!!!

Man !!! Have to check this place out...
metalspree said:
sure man will do it if i can meet the Big guns of blur this week or the next week when i meet them ,there are some cons abt the place also lets not talk abt that,but some how i want the assistants to be replaced with hot chicks :bleh:

On the other hand they might be able to ease out the tension after a heated gaming session...
I still can't believe this place exists in India. I mean its so so so awesome. I wish i could be in Chennai...
Probably if god would give me the power of flying like in Heroes,:P i would straight fly off to Chennai rite now.:ohyeah:
Freaky said:
Macha land rocks :ohyeah:

Bugger, i told lets have a look at this place when the movie got over and you gave me some reason :P

Guess i can play GOW2 when its released :P and Halo 3 :ashamed: (want to finish the fight :P)
eh it's alright. not a place for competitive gaming though. the arcade section is pretty good and so is the console section. the PC area was a big disappointment. terrible positioning of PCs which make 5v5 matches like CS difficult to play. however, since the rigs are so good, people can pay 300 rupees for an entire day and finish Crysis. the new games run really well on these computers.

long story short, it's a good place for casual gaming. my girlfriend had more fun than me at blur.
frikking awsome place! and yes the support staff should be changed to chicks, maybe even cheerleaders at the racing arcade games! dream on!
Hotstuff said:
frikking awsome place! and yes the support staff should be changed to chicks, maybe even cheerleaders at the racing arcade games! dream on!

Oh yeah, chicks in that place and nobody would want to leave :ohyeah:
wow.... nice response...

but most say its not good for clan matches or any MP fun... someone shld check that angle and report back...

coz thats the only thing that could make this a true hit and be a stage for some intl matches in their indian leg...
MMM.but the zapak in chennai rocks...i used to go there when i was there.....

And they do conduct tounaments toooooo....every sat

Reg free was like 50 and cash price 2k or something it was for Flatout 3.....

other games wr Fifa 08 or 09 ,Cs..warcraft...etc..
manuvikram007 said:
MMM.but the zapak in chennai rocks...i used to go there when i was there.....

And they do conduct tounaments toooooo....every sat

Reg free was like 50 and cash price 2k or something it was for Flatout 3.....

other games wr Fifa 08 or 09 ,Cs..warcraft...etc..

My friend was telling me about Zapak yesterday too! Its there in Coimbatore :ohyeah: But basic 8600 graphics cards in the systems lol..
jerin said:
wow.... nice response...

but most say its not good for clan matches or any MP fun... someone shld check that angle and report back...

coz thats the only thing that could make this a true hit and be a stage for some intl matches in their indian leg...

it's not. for "serious" clan matches, you need 4:3 CRT monitors and 5 computers placed right next to each other. At blur, it's all widescreen LCDs with input lag and each computer has something like it's own separate cubicle.
broar94 said:
My friend was telling me about Zapak yesterday too! Its there in Coimbatore :ohyeah: But basic 8600 graphics cards in the systems lol..
That i have no idea...but its one of the coolll place to hang out at weekend!!!!!!!
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