Blur – Gaming heaven in Chennai

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OMG! :O :O this is literally aweeesomeeee!

i cant believe such a place even exists in india. would love to visit that place.
Metalspree said:
My roomate had been to blurr today ,got info tat there 125/- Entry fee wtf it was not there last week

i go there almost every day and i don't pay any "entry fee" :S i was there yesterday too.
Great place and fantastic rates. Not too heavy on the pocket of a hardcore gamer. Doubt it will last long unless it has a frequent patronage from the Chennai gamers.

Ck Nish said:
Looks smacktabulous! I'm amazed they're not charging more.

They will probably rake in the money from the cafeteria. Tomato soup for 100 bucks.:rofl:
^^^ ya thats true.....

@ ashr

U go there everyday???

Am Manu Vikram Nickname: maxpayne a regular gamer in blur rill march kerala now...I think i know u.....!!!!!!!!!

wats ur nickname in blue....

I used to play cod 4 and crysis wars multi....????
@ Metalspree.. that 125 is for the card +hour .. they are charging that for the card wat they r giving...after this...they will charge for the hr u need only...

If u r hardcore gamer better u take 2500 rs month unlimited....(not just in pc but for whole 3 floor u can u Ul month) most of my freinds there having unlimited packages.....
Can anyone tell me if advance payment and booking can be done for a group of 10 people for one day unlimited gaming...?? I don't want to come there and be disappointed. Any limits on how many unlimited passes would be issued per day..? And when does Blur open in the morning..?
hp-india said:
Can anyone tell me if advance payment and booking can be done for a group of 10 people for one day unlimited gaming...?? I don't want to come there and be disappointed. Any limits on how many unlimited passes would be issued per day..? And when does Blur open in the morning..?

Afaik advance booking is not possible,blur opens at 11 AM in the morning.
I'll try out Blur this week mostly. It should be free during the weekday mornings right ?
Saiyan said:
I'll try out Blur this week mostly. It should be free during the weekday mornings right ?

I hope so -considering school/colleges are opened on that weekdays.good luck man :hap2:
nop....i spoke with the pc floor in charge yesterday...he said for last 2-3 weeks its fulll most of the time.. and one more more good news for COd 4 fans

They are organising a competition on may first week, date is not fixed...

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warefare

5 members team(Reg fee 800)

COD4 (no idea about the map)

MOd : Search and destroy

Cassh prize : 8000k

Will update soon with full details..
Also they have increase the rate of Unlimited month package

Previous 2500 rs

Updated 3000*rs

11 am is wat they are telling ... 11:30 is the right time

Even if u go early the guys in the ground floor entrance will not allow u...

But it will be open till 11pm... we even played till 1AM couple of time...
manuvikram007 said:
Also they have increase the rate of Unlimited month package
Previous 2500 rs
Updated 3000*rs

11 am is wat they are telling ... 11:30 is the right time
Even if u go early the guys in the ground floor entrance will not allow u...

But it will be open till 11pm... we even played till 1pm couple of time...

u mean 1am midnight ????
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