PC Peripherals Budget PC config

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its ok fella's .... ur viewing it as if you were purchasing yourself . The guy seems to be a Noob . It also includes one year on site warranty( ohh yea ,this is very critical for many people ) and assembling and s/w loading costs . The deal seems pretty decent considering all this .
SunnyBoi said:
we all wanna see those kinda vendors die :P
One of my frd was fooled last week by a dealer who sold him an AMD sempron 2500 telling him that it was AMD 64. :no:

He went to SP road in blore which is similar to lamigton rd and got his system in 12.5k(w/o monitor)

was realy surprised at thr price and went to install the OS and all to this system when i found thats it was indeed a sempron 2500. although i dont think the dealer charged him more but they really know how to sell stuppid things to customers who dunno anything.:@
argus_smith said:
........the vendor was saying..."sir..woh amd cheap maal hai..jab aap itna paise lagaa rahe ho, intel hi lo"

Can anyone translate this for me:)
Man these are out of topic. Its not neccessary that i should know hindi. I know tamil, english and french. I think mods should delete last three post incl. this one.
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