Buyer Alert: If you have been planning to buy a PSP, NOW IS THE TIME!
Why? you ask....Read on for the answer:
Some background
As most of you would already know, only PSP version 1.50 allows you to run unsigned code (read homebrew, the ability to load "ahem" ISOs straight from your memory stick etc.)
Disclaimer: of course, I mean personal backup copies of your own UMDs in ISO formatl
Now of course Sony came up with Firmware versions that kill the ability to run unsigned code while hackers would keep looking for exploits that would let them downgrade the version back to 1.50, and they indeed came up with methods that would let say Version 2.01 users downgrade to 1.50
Eventually, Sony came out with V2.60 and in this game of one-upmanship between Sony and the hackers, it seemed that Sony had eventually won it as noone could find a way to downgrade a 2.6
All the models available in the market for the last several months were version 2.6 or above and it seemed that Sony has finally built a secure firmware that noone could find a way to hack into.
And then, and then , Sony came up with a v2.71 upgrade
....And the PSP-Hack scene sprung back to life
Anyway, let us leave the technicalities apart and see why you should buy a PSP rightaway,
Because Sony has already released v2.80/2.81 formware models in the market, and the 2.71 and below models will soon become a rare sight. Just like you can't find a 1.50 off the shelf now!
Noone knows when (if ever) a exploit will be found for 2.80/2.81 but you certainly don't want to picka 2.81 in the hope that it would happen someday.
Basic buying guideline:
- DON't buy a version 2.80 or 2.81 PSP.There is no way to downgrade it currently. You can find the version number in Settings>system settings
- Apparently you can find out the firmware version from the Bar code labels on the box too if the seller isn't willing to switch on the PSP for you. This can be done by checking the last Alphabet of the aplphanumberic string just below the voltage rating. It would read something like:
PSP1004K (model no., can be any)
100-240V (Voltage rating)
WS259- C
The Character in bold "C" is what we are concerned with. V2.81 machines have a label L
Having said that, it's not a 100% accurate method , but if the label says L, don't even bother switching on the PSP. If it is say C or G or anything less than L, double check and make sure it is not a 2.81 by switching on and checking the version umber
- Avoid buying a TA-082 motherboard PSP.There are methods by which you can run 1.50 on in a semi-virtual way. Though it works fine, it is not a very elegant method + you cannot upgrade it to a V2.71 SE as 2.71SE upgrade cand only be done to a proper 1.50 version PSP.
BTW, What is 2.71 SE?see the Ideal path section for details)
to find out if the PSP is a TA-082 version,
- to find out if it is a TA-082 machine , refer this diagram:

A: Ideal Buy: Any non 2.81 version, non TA-082 motherboard machine.
B: Okay to buy ANy non 2.81 version but TA- 082 machine
C: no good Any 2.80/2.81 ..basically anything above v2.71
Ideal path after buying A:
Upgrade to 2.71 -> Downgrade to 1.50 -> Upgrade to Version 2.71 SE- B"
What is 2.71 SE-B" anyway? Well, it is the regular Sony 2.71 version albeit customized by someone called Dark_alex in a rather interesting allows the 2.71 SE to run unsigned code just like the 1.50 :O
2.71 SE B'' also allows you to roll back to 1.50 if you don't like SE-B'' for any reason (even though there is hardly any)
This is the optimal solution as not only do you get all the features of 2.71 like web browser, RSS, themes etc.
And on top of that, you do not need any loaders or other homebrew to load ISOs, just dump a backup of your "ahem"(legally owned) ISO on the ISO folder on the memory stick, and it will appear in the games menu
Ideal path if you have to buy B:
Upgrade to 2.71 -> Install and run HEN-C-> Install and run Devhook for V2.71-> Virtual downgrade to 1.50
With the virtual downgrade to 1.50, you can run Devhook or mphloader and load ISOs (Of UMDs legally owned by you ) from your memory stick .
The problem wih this route is since it is a virtual downgrade, every time you reset your machine, it will be back to the original 2.71 version
Anyway, if you have ben wanting a PSP, now is the time to go get it.
As itis, the PSP was worth the price it sells for, with 2.71 SE-B" it is all the more worth the price!
And if you do end up buying it and are confused on where and to start the process given above (Ideal Path section), do let me know and I will pass on the details or maybe even write a guide
Good luck with your market-hunt
Why? you ask....Read on for the answer:
Some background
As most of you would already know, only PSP version 1.50 allows you to run unsigned code (read homebrew, the ability to load "ahem" ISOs straight from your memory stick etc.)
Disclaimer: of course, I mean personal backup copies of your own UMDs in ISO formatl
Now of course Sony came up with Firmware versions that kill the ability to run unsigned code while hackers would keep looking for exploits that would let them downgrade the version back to 1.50, and they indeed came up with methods that would let say Version 2.01 users downgrade to 1.50
Eventually, Sony came out with V2.60 and in this game of one-upmanship between Sony and the hackers, it seemed that Sony had eventually won it as noone could find a way to downgrade a 2.6
All the models available in the market for the last several months were version 2.6 or above and it seemed that Sony has finally built a secure firmware that noone could find a way to hack into.
And then, and then , Sony came up with a v2.71 upgrade

Anyway, let us leave the technicalities apart and see why you should buy a PSP rightaway,
Because Sony has already released v2.80/2.81 formware models in the market, and the 2.71 and below models will soon become a rare sight. Just like you can't find a 1.50 off the shelf now!
Noone knows when (if ever) a exploit will be found for 2.80/2.81 but you certainly don't want to picka 2.81 in the hope that it would happen someday.
Basic buying guideline:
- DON't buy a version 2.80 or 2.81 PSP.There is no way to downgrade it currently. You can find the version number in Settings>system settings
- Apparently you can find out the firmware version from the Bar code labels on the box too if the seller isn't willing to switch on the PSP for you. This can be done by checking the last Alphabet of the aplphanumberic string just below the voltage rating. It would read something like:
PSP1004K (model no., can be any)
100-240V (Voltage rating)
WS259- C
The Character in bold "C" is what we are concerned with. V2.81 machines have a label L
Having said that, it's not a 100% accurate method , but if the label says L, don't even bother switching on the PSP. If it is say C or G or anything less than L, double check and make sure it is not a 2.81 by switching on and checking the version umber
- Avoid buying a TA-082 motherboard PSP.There are methods by which you can run 1.50 on in a semi-virtual way. Though it works fine, it is not a very elegant method + you cannot upgrade it to a V2.71 SE as 2.71SE upgrade cand only be done to a proper 1.50 version PSP.
BTW, What is 2.71 SE?see the Ideal path section for details)
to find out if the PSP is a TA-082 version,
- to find out if it is a TA-082 machine , refer this diagram:

A: Ideal Buy: Any non 2.81 version, non TA-082 motherboard machine.
B: Okay to buy ANy non 2.81 version but TA- 082 machine
C: no good Any 2.80/2.81 ..basically anything above v2.71
Ideal path after buying A:
Upgrade to 2.71 -> Downgrade to 1.50 -> Upgrade to Version 2.71 SE- B"
What is 2.71 SE-B" anyway? Well, it is the regular Sony 2.71 version albeit customized by someone called Dark_alex in a rather interesting allows the 2.71 SE to run unsigned code just like the 1.50 :O
2.71 SE B'' also allows you to roll back to 1.50 if you don't like SE-B'' for any reason (even though there is hardly any)
This is the optimal solution as not only do you get all the features of 2.71 like web browser, RSS, themes etc.
And on top of that, you do not need any loaders or other homebrew to load ISOs, just dump a backup of your "ahem"(legally owned) ISO on the ISO folder on the memory stick, and it will appear in the games menu
Ideal path if you have to buy B:
Upgrade to 2.71 -> Install and run HEN-C-> Install and run Devhook for V2.71-> Virtual downgrade to 1.50
With the virtual downgrade to 1.50, you can run Devhook or mphloader and load ISOs (Of UMDs legally owned by you ) from your memory stick .
The problem wih this route is since it is a virtual downgrade, every time you reset your machine, it will be back to the original 2.71 version
Anyway, if you have ben wanting a PSP, now is the time to go get it.
As itis, the PSP was worth the price it sells for, with 2.71 SE-B" it is all the more worth the price!
And if you do end up buying it and are confused on where and to start the process given above (Ideal Path section), do let me know and I will pass on the details or maybe even write a guide

Good luck with your market-hunt