Call of Duty: Black Ops - Discussion Thread

Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

good offer at direct2drive.

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Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

Around 7 Hours and people its much tougher compared to MW2
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

The same thing happened with the Fallout Series...Microsoft India said it wont release it because the game has a 2-headed Brahmin (a sadly mutated cow) which u can KILL...Agreed.
But what about COD now....does it have a 3 headed Elephant in the Vietnam jungles...Doesn't makes sense...
Well talking about the price point and related marketing strategies for the booming Indian market, not releasing the game here seems a bad more kinda delusive decision. If they are planning for giving us Indians some Digital downloads like Starcraft2, forget it....
What a average, ho-hum gamer first thinks while buying the game is, Does he have the sufficient H/W and Internet capabilities to even run the game. Price is a point, he/she considers, later on in the buying phase.
All we can do for now is, wait and watch and play the previously finished games on Harder difficulty :D
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

Awesome! I'm tired of playing Hard mode in games. They are just like nornal mode. Now hardcore mode is gonna be FUN! :D
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

Guys is it worth to buy Black ops Now or should i wait,watch & buy??..I m thinking of jumping the gun on the Direct 2 drive version(25% off)..I m not a hardcore gamer, but i love Cod series and used to play Mw a lot with friends..Am a little worried about the pings n lag, because i use bsnl..A lil insight on this will help me reach my decision!